World of the Bizarre
'Winged creature' photograph has gone viral
T.K. RandallJanuary 5, 2017 ·
Is this a winged creature or a pair of palm trees ? Image Credit: Facebook / Richard Christianson
An image of what has been described as a 'winged demon' has been uploaded by a user on Facebook.
The peculiar image, which has been shared more than 80,000 times on social media, was posted on Facebook by Richard Christianson who wrote "What the hell do you see in this picture for reals ??"
The photograph was allegedly taken in Arizona and shows what some online users have interpreted as a large humanoid creature with wings walking along the side of a road.
Others however maintain that the image is little more than an optical illusion and that the 'creature' is actually a pair of palm trees that happen to have been photographed from just the right angle.
Suffice to say, the latter explanation is certainly more plausible than the former.
USA Today |
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Demon, Creature, Facebook
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