Bart Sibrel was famously punched in the face by astronaut Buzz Aldrin after heckling him over the Moon landings.
A family who reported that an object had crashed in their yard last year has since been plagued by paranormal experiences.
'Demon face syndrome' is a very real, but rare, condition that causes sufferers to see demonic faces on ordinary people.
The creepy figure had been hiding beneath layers of paint and varnish in a painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds.
Real-life priest Helen Hall takes a look at how even fictional depictions of demonic possession can be harmful.
A new study has demonstrated the possibility of using laser beams to redirect the path of lightning strikes.
Scientists have conducted a new study into the link between lack of sleep and a belief in aliens, ghosts and demons.
The alleged entity was picked up on camera on a dark woodland path in Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire.
The self-healing, living skin - which is based on human cells - has been demonstrated on a robotic finger.
A recent poll has demonstrated that many people in the US still believe that aliens crashed at Roswell in 1947.
A couple who had been warned about 'demonic entities' in their home managed to record something unusual.
The image, which was posted up on Reddit, shows what has been described as a 'demon-like ghost'.
Two of Boston Dynamics' human-like Atlas robots have recently demonstrated their impressive parkour skills.
An exorcist from the Philippines maintains that popular horror movies are a source of actual real-life demons.
A new study has demonstrated just how quickly pigs can adapt to tasks that were previously totally alien to them.
A man has been cleared of assaulting his ex-partner who had been allegedly possessed by 'demonic forces'.
A bizarre experiment has demonstrated how one aquatic beetle can survive being swallowed up by a frog.
A young mother recently encountered a terrifying visitor in her bedroom in the middle of the night.
Officers were called out to investigate a very strange incident in Pueblo, Colorado on February 13th.
A clay tablet has been found to depict a demon that the ancient Assyrians believed was responsible for seizures.