Film director James Cameron. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 Angela George
The famed movie director has linked the discovery of bronze age anchors to the legend of Atlantis.
Famously documented by the Greek philosopher Plato, Atlantis was said to be a continent situated in the middle of the Atlantic that was inhabited by a highly advanced and prosperous civilization.
According to legend, the Atlanteans ultimately fell out of favor with the gods and the entire island was submerged beneath the waves. Real-world theories suggest that if Atlantis did exist, it may have been sunk by a tsunami, a sustained period of volcanism or some other ancient disaster.
Whether or not Atlantis was a real place however has long remained a matter of heated debate.
One prominent figure who has long been intrigued by the mystery is filmmaker James Cameron who has been investigating the legend as part of a new TV documentary entitled 'Atlantis Rising'.
During the program, the investigation team made a particularly intriguing discovery in the form of six anchors dating back over 4,000 years. Found just outside the entrance to the Mediterranean, the anchors have been tentatively linked to the existence of Atlantis.
"These anchors could be 3,500 to 4,000 years old and establish a harbor in the Atlantic, where I didn't even dare dream to find anchors," said filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici.
"It's easier to find a needle in a haystack than Bronze Age anchors in the Atlantic."
Whether the anchors really did have something to do with Atlantis however remains unclear.
A clip from the documentary, in which the team examine rock carvings, can be viewed below.
He may be upset that he used the term "Sea-Nations". He really is into arguing the trivia instead of actually finding Atlantis. From his website: Towards a well-founded theory of Atlantis as a real place 2018/19 (?) The next steps will be to elaborate Plato's concept of "Platonic Myth" in respect to the Atlantis account. Then a fully elaborated existence theory can be published. And on the basis of this theory, it will be possible to identify the real place of Atlantis reliably. You should elaborate things. Again a subchapter turns to a b... [More]
He seems to think that everyone disagrees with him because they don't like or dislike things. Its getting more and more bizarre! lol Yes, the colors add a festive air to his discussion of his own ideas - which oddly he seems to support. I would suggest that he use a white font to really underscore its importance.
It would seem the ultimate goal for Proclus is to WRITE a solution to the Atlantis problem. That is certainly fine, we can add that to scores/hundreds of others that have been penned, I suspect, as I had mentioned before, that he had no intention of actually FINDING Atlantis instead his motivation is to just try and convince people it was REALLLLLLY possible that it might have existed, suitable adapted from what Plato wrote..
Critias By Plato Written 360 B.C.E Zeus, the god of gods, who rules according to law, and is able to see into such things, perceiving that an honourable race was in a woeful plight, and wanting to inflict punishment on them, that they might be chastened and improve, collected all the gods into their most holy habitation, which, being placed in the centre of the world, beholds all created things. And when he had called them together, he spake as follows-* The rest of the Dialogue of Critias has been lost. THE END The writing could be a myth of Zeus, telling on the destructions of a h... [More]
Here, please, allow me to help. I don't know how many times you wish to bid farewell and yet continue to post. I see nothing new or constructive developing in this thread, so I see no need to continue this squabble. All anyone is doing now, is bickering. As someone said, come back when you find Atlantis. *Thread closed.*
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