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UAE plans to build a city on Mars by 2117

By T.K. Randall
February 16, 2017 · Comment icon 12 comments

A conceptual image of what the city on Mars might be like. Image Credit: Dubai Media Office / Twitter
The extremely ambitious endeavour, which is known as 'Mars 2117', was announced in Dubai two days ago.
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has certainly achieved much over the last few decades including the construction of the Burj Khalifa - the world's tallest building.

Now the country has set its sights even higher still by revealing plans to build, not in the desert, but on Mars as part of an ambitious new project designed to colonize the Red Planet within 100 years.

The plan involves building a community on Mars with an emphasis on international co-operation.
"Human ambitions have no limits, and whoever looks into the scientific breakthroughs in the current century believes that human abilities can realise the most important human dream," said Sheikh Mohammed, ruler of Dubai and the prime minister of the United Arab Emirates.

While 100 years certainly offers plenty of time to turn the country's ambitions in to reality, there are already plans in motion to begin the exploration of Mars sooner rather than later.

One of these, an unmanned mission called "Mars Hope", is scheduled to launch in the summer of 2020 and will aim to study the planet's atmosphere and climate.

Source: Tech Times | Comments (12)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #3 Posted by geraldnewfie 8 years ago
this is funny!!! we cant even afford space stuff now not alone a city :p we spend all our money on stupid wars
Comment icon #4 Posted by FlyingAngel 8 years ago
Too cold to build. Try to build an empire on the Antartic first
Comment icon #5 Posted by Mr.United_Nations 8 years ago
Actually we can and i know its UAE and wont happen in that timeframe but read the articale next time. 
Comment icon #6 Posted by .ZZ. 8 years ago
There is a great restaurant on Mars, nice place but lacks atmosphere.  
Comment icon #7 Posted by Athena1979 8 years ago
Oil there? From all the dinosaurs.... jk
Comment icon #8 Posted by seeder 8 years ago
i think its inevitable that such things will occur. But I would prefer to see these things in my lifetime.... but I will be just as content to see man land on Mars... like we did with the moon landings.....and get back safely with some samples to study
Comment icon #9 Posted by quillius 8 years ago
man lands on mars.....then we spend the next 50 years trying to prove it never really happened.......
Comment icon #10 Posted by Derek Willis 8 years ago
I once suggested someone ought to open a pub on the red planet. Naturally, it would be called the Mars Bar.
Comment icon #11 Posted by rashore 8 years ago
Folks, keep commentary civil and within the forum rules please.   Rashore, moderating team.
Comment icon #12 Posted by Saru 8 years ago
News comments thread closed to further replies.

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