The UFO Phenomenon
1966 Michigan UFO flap continues to intrigue
T.K. RandallMarch 20, 2017 ·
What were the strange lights sighted over Michigan ? Image Credit: CC BY 2.0 Jason Rogers
A string of UFO sightings across Washtenaw County in 1966 drew the attention of the entire country.
The peculiar series of events began on March 14th when local police officers reported seeing a number of mysterious lights in the sky heading at high speed over Lima Township.
The lights were spotted again the next day at the Ohio border and then several more time at various locations across Washtenaw County over the course of the week.
Then on March 20th, truck driver Frank Mannor told police that he and his son had seen a large pyramid-shaped object hovering near the ground in a swamp in Dexter Township.
"It was sort of shaped like a pyramid, with a blue-green light on the right-hand side and on the left, a white light," he said. "I didn't see no antenna or porthole. The body was like a yellowish coral rock and looked like it had holes in it - sort of like if you took a piece of cardboard box and split it open."
Mannor's sighting resulted in an extensive search of the swamp by more than 40 officers, but the reports kept coming - with some of the men describing red and white lights flitting across the sky.
More than 80 students at nearby Hillsdale College also reported seeing lights above the swamp.
The US Air Force eventually launched an investigation in to the sightings as part of Project Blue Book. The case was led by astronomer Dr. J. Allen Hynek - the man who famously devised the "close encounter" classification scale for UFO reports.
Much to everyone's dismay however, the sightings were ultimately dismissed as "swamp gas".
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