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Bermuda Triangle 'bubbles' theory debunked

By T.K. Randall
April 28, 2017 · Comment icon 15 comments

Could bubbles of methane really sink a ship ? Image Credit: CC BY-SA 2.0 Vix_B
Physicist Helen Czerski has cast doubt on one of the most popular theories about the Bermuda Triangle.
There are few mysteries as enduring and as well known as the Bermuda Triangle - an expanse of ocean in the North Atlantic that spans the area between Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico.

Over the years the region has become synonymous with the unexplained disappearances of ships and airplanes - often with no trace of them or their crews ever being found.

Last year, scientists from the Arctic University of Norway discovered craters on the sea floor which once contained large buildups of methane gas. The release of such buildups, they argued, could potentially explain how a ship could disappear beneath the waves without warning.
Now though, physicist and oceanographer Helen Czerski from University College London has thrown a spanner in the works by maintaining that this could never actually happen.

"The first thing is that this whoosh of gas is going to break up into small bubbles, really, really quickly," she said. "It doesn't rise as one massive, great big bubble."

"It pushes up on the ship, much more strongly than the ship is falling into the bubbles."

"The bubbles actually make the ship go up, not down."

Source: AOL News | Comments (15)

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Comment icon #6 Posted by Hammerclaw 8 years ago
Farcical explanations for a farce. 
Comment icon #7 Posted by Rolci 8 years ago
Literally everybody knows it's the energy vortices created by the sunk Atlantean pyramid at the bottom of the ocean there, with the added possibility of built-in, still functional, left on crystal weaponry. Still waiting for closer investigation, just like in the case of the Baltic Sea Anomaly. Forever waiting...
Comment icon #8 Posted by Codenwarra 8 years ago
What Bermuda triangle?  The thing has been a hoax from day 1.  
Comment icon #9 Posted by Calibeliever 8 years ago
Good old Vincent Gaddis (inventor of the BT theory). Both Lloyds of London and the US Coast guard assert that the rate of lost ships/planes is no higher in that region than any other, by area. In fact, according to the Coast Guard, the disappearance rate is insignificantly small compared to the amount of traffic that region sees. Yet, the myth continues
Comment icon #10 Posted by stereologist 8 years ago
According to a Nova show, there are more lost planes over the continental US than over the area called the Bermuda triangle. More are lost over land than over water.
Comment icon #11 Posted by stereologist 8 years ago I found the above link which supports your statements. What I think is telling though is that The fact that a ship sank near a hydrate crater simply means it sank near a hydrate crater. Planes have crashed into volcanoes. That does not mean the volcano caused the crash. The fact that no one seems to see these events unless it sinks their ship makes it seem unlikely to me.
Comment icon #12 Posted by keithisco 8 years ago
I agree with you about the hydrate crater-there is no evidence to suggest a synchronous event. Hydrate bubble release has been filmed (small scale) by the Nautilus and Alvin remote operated submersibles, and research has been performed to see if the theory holds water (pun intended) by various institutes and even the BBC...  
Comment icon #13 Posted by stereologist 8 years ago
Still no one has observed such an event. The people in the video are simulating an event that might not exist. We do know that bubbles can form at depth. I would think that if a sinking requires a near hit there would be sightings of such events over a long period of time. The gas is flammable. Yet no tales of lanterns setting off explosions in the air or people being smothered by releases of gas. You would think that gas bubbles rising such as this might also lead to death of wildlife.  It seems to me that anything this big that has supposedly happened would leave behind something to show it... [More]
Comment icon #14 Posted by Calibeliever 8 years ago
True, and even if everything lined up perfectly and that one-in-a-billion chance event happened AND it was enough to capsize a boat, it still wouldn't be enough to account for very many disappearances. Having spent a considerable amount of time on the ocean in my life, I can confidently say that, with all the things that can go wrong on open water, you don't need anything supernatural to explain being lost at sea (aliens aren't required either).
Comment icon #15 Posted by stereologist 8 years ago
I was watching the video and thinking if this were actually methane being pumped into the shallow water let's hope it doesn't catch fire and produce a large fuel air explosion.

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