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World of the Bizarre

Real-life Darth Vader works at a hospital

By T.K. Randall
May 5, 2017 · Comment icon 9 comments

Naming your children after Star Wars villains is not recommended. Image Credit: CC BY 2.0 Doug Kline
A man named after one of the most infamous movie villains of all time works at a hospital in Tennessee.
With his signature dark mask, distinctive breathing and deadly Force choke skills, Darth Vader is perhaps not the most appropriate science-fiction character to name one of your children after.

Unfortunately for 39-year-old Darthvader Williamson however, his own father thought otherwise.

"When I was born, my mother wanted me to be named junior, which was after my father, Anthony Lee Williamson," he said. "But with him being a Star Wars buff, he was enamored by the character Darth Vader, he was like, 'this would be one bad (as in good) name for our son.'"
Fortunately though, unlike his namesake, Williamson went on to do great things and now works as a surgical assistant at St. Francis Hospital-Bartlett in Tennessee.

His name has also seen him invited to numerous Star Wars conventions over the years, despite the fact that he isn't actually that much of a fan of the franchise himself.

"I have not seen Star Wars past 'Return of the Jedi'," he said.

Source: Huffington Post | Comments (9)

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Comment icon #1 Posted by Future ghost 7 years ago
Luke, I am your doctor.....
Comment icon #2 Posted by freetoroam 7 years ago
Seeing as he looks nothing like him, his name is an indication that either the parents were fans or he had a name change, as it stands, his father was the fan. Lots of children have been born and been given ridiculous names because their parents thought it a good idea at the time. But Darth is not so bad a name on its own.
Comment icon #3 Posted by Gingitsune 7 years ago
The article says his father was the Star Wars fan, and a quick calculation... 2017-39=1978, it means he was named after the very first movie. 
Comment icon #4 Posted by highdesert50 7 years ago
A burden perhaps, but they might have named him Jabba or Leia. Regardless, it appears the Force is with him.
Comment icon #5 Posted by Still Waters 7 years ago
I didn't think he sounded too bothered about his name, he came across in the interview as a cheery person.
Comment icon #6 Posted by Black Monk 7 years ago
 The man who played Darth Vader, David Prowse, is the same man who played the Green Cross Code Man in the 1970s, teaching children road safety...
Comment icon #7 Posted by Princess Serenity 7 years ago
Comment icon #8 Posted by EllJay 7 years ago
  I wonder if his soundtrack plays every time he enters a room??      
Comment icon #9 Posted by godnodog 3 years ago
It's scary when you're in a hospital in a serious condition and DartVader shows up... You can see the dark side coming

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