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World of the Bizarre

Widowed mother in Cambodia marries a calf

By T.K. Randall
July 30, 2017 · Comment icon 18 comments

Is this the reincarnation of a deceased Cambodian man ? Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 Thamizhpparithi Maari
74-year-old Khim Hang married the animal believing it to be the reincarnation of her deceased husband.
Heartbroken due to the loss of her husband last year, Khim Hang first became convinced that his soul had returned to be with her when a young calf started to show her a surprising amount of attention.

The animal would follow her around and lick her face, actions which both Khim Hang and her children interpreted as an indication that the calf was none other than her late husband, Tol Khut.

Her new bovine companion is now living at their home and sleeps in a bed with the same pillow and bedsheets that Tol Khut once used.

Khim Hang says she intends to look after the animal until the day she dies.

Source: Deccan Chronicle | Comments (18)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #9 Posted by Boozemonkey 7 years ago
Comment icon #10 Posted by Ashyne 7 years ago
this is why education is important
Comment icon #11 Posted by third_eye 7 years ago
Still going along the same lines of logic, I wonder what the husband thinks of all this if in fact he was reincarnated ... as a Siamese cat in Dallas Texas ... ~
Comment icon #12 Posted by Ryu 7 years ago
Actually I can understand this to a point as well. This poor woman is obviously deeply entrenched in grief and sees any affectionate gesture from an animal as a sign that the critter is actually her husband. But at the same time this is what superstitions will do to the vulnerable, compelling them to believe in fantasies because reality is often a very bitter pill to swallow. After all it is hard to be o.k with the idea that the deceased is never going to come back no matter how hard you pray or how many offerings you place in a temple. Life can be harsh but thinking that your friend/child/spo... [More]
Comment icon #13 Posted by pallidin 7 years ago
I'm generally good with an acceptance of alternative beliefs, but an affectionate calf somehow harboring the soul of her deceased husband and of her then marrying the calf is frigging rediculous! Edit: I guess I just don't believe in reincarnation into a lower animal, insect, tree or rock. I could be wrong, but I just don't believe it.
Comment icon #14 Posted by DebDandelion 7 years ago
I am sorry but that is funny
Comment icon #15 Posted by highdesert50 7 years ago
An interesting exercise in cultural empathy. We see people toting their Service Dogs for emotional comfort and perhaps think little of it. Is this not comparable?
Comment icon #16 Posted by ChaosRose 7 years ago
Comment icon #17 Posted by ChaosRose 7 years ago
This is actually sad. And it's all due to superstition and lack of education. Instead of dealing with their grief, the woman and her children are clinging to a calf and making completed ***** of themselves in front of the whole world. 
Comment icon #18 Posted by acute 7 years ago
In the UK, we call them 'stable snatchers'.  

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