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Plants have a unique way of avoiding sunburn

By T.K. Randall
April 18, 2018 · Comment icon 4 comments

How do plants avoid getting too much Sun ? Image Credit:
A new study has revealed that plants protect themselves from Sun damage by repairing their own DNA.
According to researchers at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, this 'nucleotide excision repair' helps to reverse any damage caused by ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure.

This system is particularly vital because, unlike humans, plants cannot avoid sunlight.

"These findings advance our understanding of DNA repair mechanisms common among all organisms and may also have practical applications," said study co-author Dr. Ogun Adebali.
The study involved developing an excision-repair mapping technique with which the scientists were able to find and sequence any damaged sections of DNA removed during the repair process.

The team then used these to pinpoint where the DNA damage had been repaired.

"The results show that excision repair in plants is regulated in much the same way it is in other organisms - in order to maximize efficiency," said first author Dr. Onur Oztas.

"DNA damage accumulating in a plant will impair its growth and development, so boosting the excision repair system could be a good strategy for improving crop yields."

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Comment icon #1 Posted by Hankenhunter 7 years ago
Such exciting times. I was born 1960 and have seen the most amazing things. Huge clunky electronics evolve into tiny wonder gadgets. I watched live as a man walked on the moon. Literally true automobiles, Transplants, medical technology, and breakthroughs. The fact that we can do these things in such a short period of history is astounding. We aren't just advancing, we're geometrically advancing. I wonder what tomorrow holds? *buckles seat belt and grins* Hank
Comment icon #2 Posted by Ozfactor 7 years ago
I was talking to a neighbour today, 94 years young, and he said to me,  " back in my day the only computer we had was the bible and if you were lucky , a couple of books, even news of the war was months old by the time we got it  " We do live in exciting times, our view of the world and even of ourselves as individuals and collectively , is not limited to a few books anymore . I read once that by some ridiculously early age,  a child now knows more than our Grandparents did at the end of their lives . DNA is an amazing advance and who knows where it will take us x  
Comment icon #3 Posted by Cam Gibb 7 years ago
Read on I think Wikileaks that plants have and use melatonin not for sleep but for neutralizing free radicals and repairing damage, much as it helps us and animals too, during sleep. Hmmm, melatonin fertilizer anyone, lol, 1/2 kidding. ;-) 
Comment icon #4 Posted by Ruvim Gul 7 years ago
There are one kind of plant which do not protect themselves from Sun damage. Arabidopsis plants which made to lack UVR8 so that's why they fail to show protection and die. You can find more information here -

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