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World of the Bizarre

Flat Earthers accidentally prove Earth is round

By T.K. Randall
March 7, 2019 · Comment icon 27 comments

Attempting to prove that the Earth is flat is basically a waste of time. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 NikoLang
Conspiracy theorists have been struggling for years to prove to everyone else that the Earth is flat.
In the age of orbiting satellites, interplanetary spacecraft and a fully manned space station, the fact that the Earth is round (an oblate spheroid) is as indisputable as the nose on your face.

Remarkably however, there are still those who remain adamant that the Earth is actually flat.

At its most extreme, an unshakable belief in the idea of a flat Earth can result in years of wasted research, as well as thousands of dollars in wasted equipment purchases.

In the recent Netflix documentary Behind the Curve, Flat Earther Bob Knodel attempted to use a $20,000 laser gyroscope to prove that the Earth doesn't rotate.
Things didn't go according to plan, however.

"What we found is, when we turned on that gyroscope, we found that we were picking up a drift," said Knodel. "A 15-degree per hour drift. Now, obviously we were taken aback by that."

"We obviously were not willing to accept that, and so we started looking for ways to disprove it was actually registering the motion of the Earth."

What Knodel had actually done was prove the very thing he was trying to disprove - thus demonstrating the sheer futility of trying to disprove such a fundamental concept.

Another example of a flat Earth experiment gone wrong can be viewed in the video below.

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Comment icon #18 Posted by bison 5 years ago
Evidence of a spherical Earth has been know and believed by many, since antiquity. The consistently curved shadow of the Earth upon the Moon, during a Lunar eclipse. Ships gradually vanishing as they sail away from the observer, hull first, then more and more of the mast, from the bottom up.  Eratosthenes, over 2000 years ago, quantified the sphericity of the Earth by observing shadows cast by the Sun at two distant locations, noting the difference in the angle of the two shadows. Multiplying the distance between the two shadow observations by the number of times the angular difference fit i... [More]
Comment icon #19 Posted by Derek Willis 5 years ago
Eratosthenes' experiment was one of the great experiments of history. We all know about Archimedes' "Eureka moment" in the bath, and Newton being hit on the head by an apple. What Eratosthenes did ought to be equally well known. What I find interesting is that, for instance, it is not immediately apparent that the stars and planets don't go round the Earth. Yet, as you point out, it has been apparent since ancient times that the Earth is not flat. But even now there are people who can't see that.  
Comment icon #20 Posted by Podo 5 years ago
Amazing that Flat-Earthers have enough money between them that they could even fund a study and a documentary. I figured they were all paranoid, uneducated rednecks hiding from the government's mind-control chemtrails or some crap like that.
Comment icon #21 Posted by Imaginarynumber1 5 years ago
A friend and I started a flat earth group on facebook, invited everyone we knew, but told know you that it's satire.
Comment icon #22 Posted by Emma_Acid 5 years ago
Most documentaries about these sorts of subjects usually follow the same format - here's a believer, here's an "expert", oh look both arguments are equally valid, ooooh the controversy. This documentary did it so much better. It should be shown in film school as an example of how to properly form an effective documentary narrative. The Fleathers were shown in a sympathetic light, the scientists weren't sneery or patronising, and the ending was pure genius. Like saying "nope, this is the answer" without ramming it home.  
Comment icon #23 Posted by freetoroam 5 years ago
I believe Bob Knodel's brain is flat. Open him up and prove me wrong. 
Comment icon #24 Posted by Golden Duck 5 years ago
In The Grand Design Stephen Hawking gives a good explanation.,8599,2017262,00.html I always liked this example for Occam's Razor - it's not based on some arbitrary probability or version of common sense.
Comment icon #25 Posted by MasterHex 5 years ago
wait...guys the earths NOT flat?!?! jk. but I love flat earthers. fun lot they are...sail off the edge being guarded by Nato...heard that somewhere before.
Comment icon #26 Posted by TripGun 5 years ago
If the Earth was flat then I should have full bars on my phone at all times...
Comment icon #27 Posted by Alien Origins 5 years ago
They will still say it's flat...They will claim NASA hung a fake photo in space.

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