Why is this crop circle so green ? Image Credit: YouTube / Stonehenge Dronescapes
Remarkable aerial footage shows a crop circle that is a completely different color to its surroundings.
While these days crop circles are generally believed to be the work of artists rather than alien visitors, the phenomenon can still generate quite a bit of interest and this latest example is no exception.
This large, intricate formation first appeared in a field near Tichborne, Hampshire on July 16th, 2019 - an evening on which there happened to be a partial lunar eclipse.
What is particularly interesting however is what this same formation looked like three months later.
Footage recorded via drone on October 23rd shows that the circle is not only still visible but appears bright green in stark contrast to the dull autumn tones of the rest of the field it is located in.
The phenomenon has been referred to as a 'crop circle ghost.'
So why is the pattern such a vivid green color compared to the rest of its surroundings ?
For whatever reason, the grass in the circle appears to have grown at a faster rate.
You can view footage of the phenomenon courtesy of Stonehenge Dronescapes below.
A video showing what it originally looked like back in July can be viewed - here.
Baloney. You are here to express the close minded idea of paranormal here, paranormal there, paranormal everywhere. Here is another appeal t authority: "Levengood knows what he’s seeing with his background" That has nothing to do with the evidence, but that is usually al a fringie can do - make an appeal to authority. Take this pointless statement: "I have to believe through the force of reason that there are biological anomalies associated with crop circles that have no normal explanations." Point out the evidence? Go ahead. Here is another statement showing you know nothing about science: ... [More]
When we look at crop circle researchers what we notice is that they say things are different inside of the circle than outside. When those sorts of things are done with human tests we usually demanding blinding. That prevents researchers from falling to their beliefs. Was there ever any blinding in any of the experiments? I am asking about experiments that were published in peer reviewed journals or not.
None of Levengood's claims have been substantiated. Guess this is one of those difficult things to learn so let me repeat it for you. No one has to show anyone is wrong. The issue is supporting a find. Is that too hard for you to learn?
If an expert looks at something and tells me something then I am going to take it quite seriously in my personal consideration of what I think is going on especially if no second opinion refutes it. Again, I am doing the process of determining what is most reasonable to believe. I am not doing formal science.
There is no question that at least some crop circles are man made. One of those was deemed a crop circle that was according to Levengood, a genuine crop circle. That was the Mandelbrot set. Seems Levengood goofed at least once. How many other mistakes? Probably a lot.
Of course you are not doing science. You are believing for the sake of believing. Your idea of an expert is what? Someone you are going to blindly follow? That is your excuse to pretend someone is correct. It is the old appeal to authority that avoids what really matters and that is the evidence.
What many crop circle enthusiasts have done is to assume that correlation is causation. Levengood has admitted that his correlations are really all that good. They can't be used to validate a crop circle. By that he means pretend it wasn't made by people. Oddly enough Levengood, the supposed expert, uses special pleading in much of his work. He notes that things he looks at in his determination of differences between inside and outside the crop circles are in fact found outside the crop circle. Does he reject his ideas? No. Does he formulate a new hypothesis to test? No. He simply uses special... [More]
We can wonder if someone has gone off the deep end by seeing hat they do. In looking for people attempting to validate the claims of Levengood I found out Levengood thinks cattle mutilations are connected to plant "anomalies". As Dave Barry used to say, https://www.florida-backroads-travel.com/dave-barry.html
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