World of the Bizarre
Teen in coma knows nothing of the pandemic
T.K. RandallFebruary 8, 2021 ·
What if you had been unconscious since the pandemic began ? Image Credit: CDC
A teenager who is starting to wake from a coma caught Covid twice but is totally unaware of what's happening.
Imagine being in a coma for the last ten months and then waking up to have someone explain to you just what had gone on while you were unconscious - would you even believe what you were hearing ?
This scenario will become stark reality for 19-year-old Joseph Flavill who, after being hit by a car in Staffordshire, England on March 1st, 2020, has been in a coma ever since.
He has even caught the virus twice during this time, but still knows nothing about it whatsoever.
"He won't know anything about the pandemic as he's been asleep for 10 months," said his aunt, Sally Flavill Smith. "His awareness is starting to improve now but we just don't know what he knows."
"I just don't know where to start with it. A year ago if someone had told me what was going to happen over the last year, I don't think I would have believed it."
"I've got no idea how Joseph's going to come to understand what we've all been through."
So far the 19-year-old has started to move his limbs and is able to blink to communicate a 'yes' or 'no', however the road to recovery will be a long one.
When he finally does recover enough to understand what's happening, it will be interesting to see how he takes the news of the coronavirus pandemic.
Learning about it for the first time after so long is sure to be a unique and harrowing experience.
The Guardian |
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Coma, Coronavirus
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