Who or what is this in the road ? Image Credit: Facebook / Mitch Kuhne
A motorist recently captured dashcam footage of a child-like figure that appeared in the middle of the road.
The eerie clip was captured by Mitch Kuhne who had been driving along the Hume Highway near Bardia, New South Wales just before 8pm on Sunday.
All of a sudden, out of the gloom, he caught sight of a small figure in the left-most lane.
Believing the figure to be a small child, Kuhne's mother, who was in the passenger seat, immediately phoned up the emergency services to report the sighting.
Kuhne later got in touch with the Macquarie Fields Police Station to offer up the footage as evidence, however he was told that the child had already been found and was on its way home.
Strangely, the police later maintained that no child had been found, despite officers searching the area for hours, leading to a great deal of confusion over the incident.
Looking at the footage, it's not even clear if the figure in the road was actually a child at all.
You can check out the clip for yourself below - what do you think ?
Dashcams film continuously so there’s nothing suspicious about the fact that he was filming. It doesn’t look like a child to me though, it kind of looks fake but maybe that’s just a trick of the light. I think those that have said that it might be something translucent like a plastic bag might be correct as the cars headlights reflecting of its surface might account for its unnatural colour. It does seem to appear from nowhere but I suspect this could be explained by the frame rate of the dashcam.
From the linked article: Kuhne said he was unable to stop as he was towing a toy hauler and said it would have caused an accident. His mother, who was sitting in the passenger seat, immediately called Triple Zero and reported what they had seen. The call was reportedly placed at 7.41pm (AEST), according to the Daily Mail.
Good effort on producing the blow-up. Who can tell what that is. One thing I think we need to consider it that the driver and his mother both immediately identified it as a child and they each would have somewhat different angle, perspective and lighting than the dashcam. Two people certain with naked eyes is a factor I consider in addition to the dashcam replay. Kuhne said he was unable to stop as he was towing a toy hauler and said it would have caused an accident. His mother, who was sitting in the passenger seat, immediately called Triple Zero and reported what they had seen. The call ... [More]
1- the car does not jerk or swerve even slightly.... 2- as others have said- you stop if you see a child on motorway- no excuses...full stop! 3- the police saying they found child and then claiming they didn't makes no sense. On many levels. 4- he claims to have seen the report in the Daily mail saying no child was found....how does this come about? ie how does the Daily Mail know to make an enquiry/story to begin with? The driver wouldnt have reported it as as far as they are concerned the child was found. The police wouldnt call the paper to report child on motorway, that was never found...... [More]
I suppose there are exceptions but the fact the driver has zero reaction tells me it wasnt unusual to them it wasnt a ghost or real brat either would cause dome driver reaction.
So let’s say if he had a blowout he’d have to continue driving? That’s why there are shoulders. He didn’t have to stop right there in the road but could have pulled over safely. That’s what I would have done if I saw a child in the road.
Its a dwarf psychic who escaped from a nearby prison attempting to hitch a ride. Local Police have stated that they are looking for a small medium at large.
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