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The UFO Phenomenon

Prankster Remi Gaillard sparks UFO flap in France

By T.K. Randall
November 20, 2021 · Comment icon 8 comments

Remi is at it again... Image Credit: YouTube / Remi GAILLARD
The legendary YouTube prankster used a drone to produce fake UFO sightings, then dressed up as an alien.
Gaillard, who remains one of YouTube's most notorious pranksters, is certainly no stranger to controversy having been apprehended by the police on multiple occasions due to his audacious stunts which have included go-karting around town as Mario, dressing up as a speed camera and sneaking into a Mister Universe competition by pretending to be one of the contestants.

His latest stunt, which produced a spate of UFO sightings in southern France, involved flying a drone equipped with a light around the area at the same time each night.

He then dressed up as an alien and pulled a series of elaborate pranks involving a crashed 'UFO'.

These included calling a garage to pick up his broken-down flying saucer, being photographed filling his UFO with gas and being caught trying to hitch-hike to Area 51 on an airport runway.
In another scene, he held up queues of traffic while trying to 'abduct' a cow in the middle of the road.

As is often the case with Gaillard, some of these pranks will have likely put him at odds with local authorities - especially with the fire brigade being called out during the airport gag.

Sightings of his fake drone UFO even made the local news on more than one occassion.

You can check out the full video below.

Source: YouTube | Comments (8)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by DreadLordAvatar 3 years ago
What an azzhole!  Throw him in jail for life. 
Comment icon #2 Posted by esoteric_toad 3 years ago
Legendary? Never heard of him.
Comment icon #3 Posted by Eldorado 3 years ago
I've never heard of him either, but apparently..... ", his channel is the 91st most subscribed comedy channel on YouTube with more than 7.2 million subscribers as of September 2021."émi_Gaillard
Comment icon #4 Posted by jethrofloyd 3 years ago
An attention seeker?
Comment icon #5 Posted by Seti42 3 years ago
All I need to read is "You Tube Prankster" SMH. I hate those people. YT has a lot of good stuff, if you can look past all the prankers, video game streamer-screamers, and right wing nut jobs.
Comment icon #6 Posted by thedutchiedutch 3 years ago
I love this guy he is hilarious and a great soccer player by the way   You rock Remi. Thanks for making us laugh 
Comment icon #7 Posted by badeskov 3 years ago
He is amazing. Have you watched his bat prank? Cheers, Badeskov  
Comment icon #8 Posted by thedutchiedutch 3 years ago
Yes, hilarious  

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