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The UFO Phenomenon

More Americans than ever now believe in UFOs, polls suggest

By T.K. Randall
August 3, 2023 · Comment icon 65 comments

Are we being visited right now ? Image Credit: Pixabay / christianplass
Recent revelations about UFOs, as well as the recent subcommittee hearing, have rekindled interest in the topic.
Last week's hearing certainly brought some interesting claims to light, including those of David Grusch who maintained that the US government had found "non-human biologics" at UFO crash sites and had been covering up evidence for years.

It's just one of the many stories in recent years that have helped to bring about something of a resurgence in interest in the UFO phenomenon, with more people than ever now getting involved and joining the debate.

According to an Ipsos poll released last week, 42 percent of Americans now believe in UFOs and as many as 10 percent actually claim to have witnessed one first-hand.
Other polls conducted by Newsweek and YouGov have shown that belief in the phenomenon had actually risen from as little as 20 percent in 1996 to over 34 percent in 2022.

"This has been huge for the community of general enthusiasts, but also for the people who take UFO research seriously," said historian Greg Eghigian.

"They have been very emboldened. They feel vindicated by all this. And every new hearing makes them all the more confident that they've been on the right track all along."

Source: The Hill | Comments (65)

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Comment icon #56 Posted by skyeagle409 1 year ago
  Let us remember that you asked me to post a link about scientist, so I honored your request and what they report tracking? Flying saucers.  It's all there in their reports. I might add that radar data is evidence that can prove whether or not an object is an extraterrestrial craft or a conventional aircraft, if you want to add scientific and irrefutable evidence.  As far as astronauts, how about Astronaut Ed Mitchell? Or Astronaut Joe Walker who took pictures of a UFO in space.  I am surprised that you added the CIA considering that it was the CIA that released sensitive documentation... [More]
Comment icon #57 Posted by skyeagle409 1 year ago
I had to break your post in order to add additional information. First, let's take a look at NASA. 1960 Brookings Report to NASA SPACE-LIFE REPORT COULD BE SHOCK, UFOI, Vol. I, No. II (Dec 1960 - Jan 1961 issue) The discovery of intelligent space beings could have a severe effect on the public, according to a research report released by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The report warned that America should prepare to meet the psychological impact of such a revelation. The 190-page report was the result of a $96,000 one-year study conducted by the Brookings Institution for NA... [More]
Comment icon #58 Posted by Hazzard 1 year ago
So, still not answering any speciffic questions, just the usual spamming in response... ok. Where are those "clear photos of and alien spaceship" that you claimed you had in possession?
Comment icon #59 Posted by Essan 1 year ago
One of the strangest things about alien visitations is that even to this very day, they never ever show themselves to anyone with a decent camera.   Hence (aside from hoaxes) the only photos taken of alien aircraft/spacecraft are indeterminate blobs or lights.   Given how easy it is to very clearly photograph a jet airliner flying at 20,000 feet, a supersonic jet fighter and even the ISS, the simple fact that no-one has ever taken a similar clear photo of an alien craft (which seem to be quite common, especially across the skies of the USA - according to reports, anyway) is most intriguing... [More]
Comment icon #60 Posted by Trelane 1 year ago
I'm sure people believe there are unexplained aerial phenomenon.  I just don't think that number is the same as people who believe in extraterrestrial visitation.
Comment icon #61 Posted by Golden Duck 1 year ago
Comment icon #62 Posted by Saru 1 year ago
@skyeagle409 - repeatedly reproducing huge reams of quotes and links won't help your case - please keep your replies concise and to the point.
Comment icon #63 Posted by skyeagle409 1 year ago
  Where they keep other classified items. However, we do have verifiable data and documentation that proves the objects are not man-made.
Comment icon #64 Posted by ReadTheGreatControversyEGW 1 year ago
Slow little by little exposure through movies especially, so if disclosure happens, people are conditioned or trained already on what to believe 
Comment icon #65 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 1 year ago
Yes, it is conceivable that the revealing is just softening us up for a more full disclosure. What I have never been able to figure, is what the motive would be for the government to be propagandizing us - aka lying.  And I should add that I know that UFO's exist, so that much of what the Pentagon says is true. 

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