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The UFO Phenomenon

CIA allegedly involved in retrieving materials from UFO crash sites

By T.K. Randall
November 29, 2023 · Comment icon 42 comments

Does the US government possess crashed UFOs ? Image Credit: Northrop Grumman
According to a new media report based on anonymous sources, the CIA has been running UFO retrieval missions for years.
It wasn't that long ago that claims of secretive government programs involving UFOs would have been dismissed out of hand as conspiratorial nonsense, yet in recent years we've seen everything from the launching of a new Pentagon UFO office to the official release of video clips showing unknown objects being pursued by US Navy pilots off the coast of the United States.

Clearly, someone or something is frequenting our skies; the question remains - who or what ?

Now according to a new article published in the Mail Online, anonymous government sources have reportedly come forward to claim that the CIA's Office of Global Access (OGA) - which is part of the agency's Science and Technology Directorate - has been playing a pivotal role in the retrieval of materials from alleged UFO crash sites for years.

The article cites three separate anonymous sources who maintain that the US military has attended the crash sites of at least nine 'non-human craft' over a period of several decades.
"There's at least nine vehicles. There were different circumstances for different ones," one of the sources told Mail Online. "It has to do with the physical condition they're in."

"If it crashes, there's a lot of damage done. Others, two of them, are completely intact."

One of the CIA office's roles, the source claimed, is to enable the US military to access crash sites in places that would otherwise be out of bounds (such as behind enemy lines in other countries).

"They are basically a facilitator for people to get in and out of countries," the source said. "They are very clever at being able to get anywhere in the world they want to."

Given that these three sources remain anonymous, however, it is impossible to corroborate any of their claims.

Source: Mail Online | Comments (42)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #33 Posted by Raptor Witness 1 year ago
Well, you did, actually, firstly claiming that you worked for the IG, followed by this curious comment. What a little monster, you are.   
Comment icon #34 Posted by Dejarma 1 year ago
what? you don't have to answer the questions i guess ?
Comment icon #35 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 1 year ago
Well, glad to see we are at least getting along here  
Comment icon #36 Posted by Raptor Witness 1 year ago
This thread is not well suited to an advanced response, to his poor judgment.
Comment icon #37 Posted by Trelane 1 year ago
If you took those two sentences as a threat, then you demonstrate a fragile mindset to typed words. Words, as typed, that do not present anything in the context of a threat. I asked a series of questions to attempt gaining clarification on your story previously posted. Your childish response was expected though. Good job. No need to respond here though, I won't see your response. Anyway, I do work in the IG enterprise and again offer to discuss matters related in PMs. 
Comment icon #38 Posted by Alchopwn 1 year ago
It is surprising what a budget of billions and access to millions of acres of off-limits land can do to make things disappear.  The cloaking device is just the tip of the iceberg.
Comment icon #39 Posted by Hankenhunter 1 year ago
I'm still waiting for Identification of the three UFO's shot down over Canada. No pics, no apparent efforts to locate them. And no pilot testimony over what they shot down. After the Chinese balloon was shot down pics were paraded all over the world. Why not the three over Canada? Something stinks, and it isn't moose crap.
Comment icon #40 Posted by Trelane 1 year ago
If it is/was a secret CIA office, how did anyone know about it?  Sorry @Dejarma, I know that's your line.
Comment icon #41 Posted by skyeagle409 1 year ago
How about leaks and lawsuits? PROJECT 1947 - The GSW/CIA Lawsuit - Civil Action No. 78-859
Comment icon #42 Posted by Trelane 1 year ago
So some things can be secret and yet leaked but others can be equally secret and never see the light of day? Yeah right.    If the CIA office was secret, how did anyone know about it? You can't have both ways true believers.?

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