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The UFO Phenomenon

19th Kecksburg UFO festival celebrates legendary local incident

By T.K. Randall
July 21, 2024 · Comment icon 59 comments

The UFO parade has long proven a hit. Image Credit: YouTube / CBS Pittsburgh
Crowds descended on the small town of Kecksburg, Pennsylvania over the weekend to celebrate UFO culture.
Fans of the strange and unusual have been flocking to the area over the last few days to participate in what has become one of the country's most popular UFO festivals.

In addition to the event's iconic UFO parade, there has also been a UFO-themed hot dog eating contest, a hay bale tossing contest and a series of presentations by well known UFO researchers.

But it's the Kecksburg UFO incident itself that has long remained the star of the show.

The strangeness began on December 9th, 1965 when thousands of witnesses across six US states and parts of Canada observed a peculiar fireball that dropped "hot metal debris" as it blazed through the heavens.

Despite the sightings being fairly widespread, however, it was the small town of Kecksburg in Pennsylvania that would become most closely associated with the incident.

It started when a young local boy claimed to have seen the object come down in nearby woods and his mother later reported it to the authorities when she saw strange blue wisps rising from the trees.

Several locals, including members of the fire department, went out to investigate the scene and found an odd acorn-shaped object the size of a small car with strange writing on its surface.
Within a short space of time there were reports of an intense military presence at the crash site with army officials ordering civilians away from the scene while the object was being loaded onto a truck.

The incident was later played down as nothing more than a meteor impact, however many people still believe that the military had been covering up something a lot more significant.

In 2005, NASA claimed that an analysis of fragments retrieved from the site had identified them as being parts of a Soviet satellite, but official records concerning the find had been lost in the 1980s.

Investigative journalist Leslie Kean even sued NASA under the Freedom of Information Act and while the space agency was ultimately ordered to search for the records, their whereabouts were never determined.

Some believe that the documents were hidden or destroyed as part of a cover-up, while others believe that it was more likely to be the US Air Force, not NASA, that had possession of the files.

Whatever the case, no definitive explanation for the incident has ever been forthcoming.

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Comment icon #50 Posted by Hazzard 7 months ago
Me, Saru and a couple of the other members here have all been trying to explain this post (by me) on multiple occations!! If you dont get what I said by now.. chances are that you never will. Regurgitating this stuff, is a dead end and precariously close to flaiming. You should follow the Birdies example and just drop it.
Comment icon #51 Posted by Trelane 7 months ago
No, nice try and baiting though. Clearly you're still miffed that you had no response since you talked yourself into a circle on that matter. I do enjoy you not charging me for living rent free in your head.? Maybe you could put me in touch with the people (alleged professionals) you claim looked dumfounded when I said that I have regulations in my line of work that provide examples/templates for formatting an investigation/inquiry/inspection. PM me their POC information. ?
Comment icon #52 Posted by Trelane 7 months ago
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. So you're sticking with the idea that all countries around the world are reporting UFOs/UAPs? Just answer that piece, thank you in advance.
Comment icon #53 Posted by Trelane 7 months ago
***Update*** Clearly OMS has been busy scouring the internet to find international claims to support that wide swath statement. I mean he's been logged in here, so he's clearly seen my previous post. I am expecting one of two outcomes; 1) He tells me some such that he doesn't have to respond or whatever dismissive phrase he thinks is clever. Which is an automatic fail on his part. 2) He backpedals and tries to re-phrase the statement to reduce ownership of an impulsive response that was not thoroughly researched prior to him positing. Another failure.   There is a third possibility He simply ... [More]
Comment icon #54 Posted by MrAnderson 7 months ago
I am not going to discuss this further. Just made an observation because this wasn't one post but two. One post was generic and the other more specific. In your first post I think it's clear what you say (you speak generally). There is no need for defending this. It's yout opinion and you can have it. Myself and others just disagree.
Comment icon #55 Posted by JohninND 6 months ago
The book "The Brotherhood of the Bell" by Joseph P Farrell put forth a good theory on this.
Comment icon #56 Posted by psyche101 6 months ago
Which is?
Comment icon #57 Posted by Antigonos 6 months ago
I hope it’s not the Nazi bell thing again.
Comment icon #58 Posted by psyche101 6 months ago
Looks like your right  Another alternative history nutter......
Comment icon #59 Posted by Resume 6 months ago
I think Sir Postsalot should pick what he feels is the best evidence for ET visiting our whirling rock, start a thread and stick to it.

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