Nature & Environment
Chester Zoo celebrates birth of extremely rare and endangered animal
T.K. RandallAugust 5, 2024 ·
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Persian onager at Chester Zoo. Image Credit: Facebook / Chester Zoo
The zoo, situated in England, has hailed the birth of one of the rarest animals on Earth.
At a glance, this jovial creature might look a bit like a common donkey, but it is in fact a Persian onager - a relative of the domestic donkey which lives in the semi-desert regions of Iran.
Due to a combination of factors including poaching and climate change, the species is considered endangered with only 600 individuals thought to be left in the wild.
When a Persian onager was recently born at Chester Zoo in England, therefore, it was cause for much celebration.
The foal, named Jasper, has been hailed as a step toward helping to repopulate the species.
"We have some amazing news - a special new baby has been born and we couldn't be happier!" zoo officials wrote in a post on Facebook.
"Meet onager foal, Jasper! He doesn't know it, but he's one the rarest animals on the planet as only 600 now remain."
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