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Belief in alien visitation is now gaining 'unprecedented traction'

By T.K. Randall
September 16, 2024 · Comment icon 206 comments

Do you believe that UFOs are alien in origin ? Image Credit: Pixabay / KarstenBergmann
More and more people are subscribing to the belief that UFOs are evidence of extraterrestrial visitors.
While tales of strange objects in the skies have been recounted in artwork and literature dating back centuries, the modern UFO phenomenon didn't really get started in earnest until the 1940s when tales of 'foo fighters' over the battlefields of Europe and the story of Kenneth Arnold (whose encounter with multiple UFOs saw the coining of the term 'flying saucer') brought the topic to a wider audience.

While interest had waned somewhat by the turn of the century, today, there seems to be an ever-growing number of people who believe that UFOs are the real deal and that we are being visited by curious extraterrestrial entities who have traveled to our planet from a distant solar system.

Whereas polls taken back in the 1990s indicated that around 20% of the US believed that UFOs were alien visitors, now over 34% believe that this is the case .

It's not just the general public who have expressed an interest in the subject, either - US government officials, including former department heads and members of Congress, also maintain that we are not alone.
In recent years, some have campaigned for greater disclosure of what the government actually knows about the topic, while whistleblowers such as David Grusch have even claimed that secret efforts have been made to acquire and reverse-engineer "intact and partially intact vehicles of non-human origin".

Elsewhere, US Navy pilots have described close encounters with strange 'tic-tac' shaped objects off the coast of the United States, while footage of alleged UFOs (or UAPs) has been leaked, then subsequently confirmed as real by Pentagon officials.

In other words, it's a topic that remains not only relevant, but also an integral part of modern culture and something that is unlikely to be forgotten about anytime soon.

Whether or not we really are being visited by aliens, however, remains a topic of heated debate.

Source: The Week | Comments (206)

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Comment icon #197 Posted by csspwns 18 hours ago
Not addressed to me but I'd like to share. The probability I would give to UFOs are not alien is 99.99% so 0.01% that they are aliens. I believe it's much more likely we are observing classified or misidentified/mistinerpreted craft made by humans, however, I don't believe any have broken our known laws of physics such as being faster than Mach1 but not producing a sonic boom. 
Comment icon #198 Posted by MrAnderson 18 hours ago
These are what the radar operators said it happened. It's not a condition that events will have necessarily have a mundane explanation. I think radar operators and pilots can be trusted and they have been recording these objects for a long period of time. How do you know the majority of academics don't bother with the subject? You don't know what each one thinks but we can assume that nobody wants their reputation to be damaged given that the UFO field is considered fringe and there is plenty of ridicule associated with it.
Comment icon #199 Posted by csspwns 18 hours ago
Radar operators and pilots having recorded these objects for a long period of time and yet we are no closer to conclusive evidence, even with technological advancements from the past, is a data point in and of itself. Think how the n+1 iteration concept affects the probability of these extraordinary characteristics being accurate. Overtime and as the cases pile up to be mundane or inconclusive, the probability of extraordinary characteristics being accurate becomes less and less.  I consider myself a former scientist, but you can argue I'm still a scientist because I'm active in peer-reviewin... [More]
Comment icon #200 Posted by Unusual Tournament 17 hours ago
Granted, we have zero public evidence that aliens exist but some high profile UFO cases are impossible to explain away as man made.    Besides, man made objects have to obey the laws of science. What happens when they don’t. Do we still call these objects man made or something else? Then I guess the label is more offensive than inaccurate     
Comment icon #201 Posted by Tatetopa 16 hours ago
What are your thoughts here?  I think even if an object was made by another species, it would have to obey the laws of physics.  Seems like there are a couple of ways  to approach an unknown object exhibiting surprising properties.       One would be, that's impossible! It can't possibly do that.  Then it gets dismissed instead of explained.  The other would be, if an object did that, how could it be done?  That might lead to some interesting speculation about our understanding of physics.  Maybe we could learn something. Also I can understand why authorities would not publicly take... [More]
Comment icon #202 Posted by cormac mac airt 15 hours ago
Exactly. It’s ridiculous to claim something is impossible if it’s never been physically analyzed to determine how it works to begin with. “Impossible” therefore becomes meaningless rhetoric.    cormac
Comment icon #203 Posted by Unusual Tournament 14 hours ago
That depends on its technology. The base here is our technology. These UAP’s are measured on what we know. These things have been measured on radar, weapons platforms and various other sensors like light, sound and so forth and found to move without the limitations of our propulsion systems. There are accurate sightings that they are metallic. solid. Not plasma or lighting balls, but shaped aerodynamic flying aircraft. Blobs of exotic metals don’t just fly outta the ground and shape them selves in aerodynamic shapes and throw themselves up in the air in an intelligent manner.    Of cours... [More]
Comment icon #204 Posted by Tatetopa 14 hours ago
Now you have listed in the article a number of  characteristics that have been measured. Those are the first clues to solve the mystery.  The physics people involved had a few possibilities. Then we ask what could we measure to separate each of those three and figure out which one it is  As we find more clues and measurements we get closer to understanding the technology  No I don't think the UAP's are necessarily government projects  The government secret project I was thinking of was the one to figure out and apply the technology  first. Its gotta be a desperate race between nations to... [More]
Comment icon #205 Posted by csspwns 11 hours ago
This is speculation. The facts are that there is no conclusive evidence of any UFO case that defies explanation as a man-made or natural occurrence.  We call it unknown. 
Comment icon #206 Posted by MrAnderson 11 hours ago
You don't have to have conclusive evidence at this point to give whatever interpretation you want to give and come up with some preliminary conclusions. We also don't have conclusive evidence for the big bang but plenty of evidence to talk about it. The same is true when it comes to UFOs as we have plenty of evidence for their existence and their characteristics (at least for a good summer of them). Some of their characteristics defy explanation as described by pilots, radar operators, and ground observers. We don't seem to have objects with these capabilities.

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