An appropriately named canine companion managed to shoot his owner during a hunting trip in Indiana.
The new research endeavor will make it possible for anyone to make a ground-breaking fossil discovery.
Michael Moss has spent the last two decades hunting for surviving members of the long extinct species.
Two treasure hunters found something unexpected while hunting for gold in the lake's depths.
Our species developed more fragile bones when our ancestors switched from hunting to agriculture.
Police in Germany are hunting two hypnotists in connection with a spate of unusual robberies.
The recently selected PLATO mission will focus on identifying Earth-like worlds orbiting distant stars.
A team from the Centre for Fortean Zoology is in Tasmania hunting for signs of the 'extinct' thylacine.
A health employee in Montana was reprimanded after hiring a team to investigate her haunted office.
New evidence suggests that climate change, not human hunting, was responsible for wiping out mammoths.
Once a curious and kooky passtime, hunting ghosts has now gone mainstream in a highly competitive way.
NASA's highly successful planet hunting orbital telescope has suffered a serious equipment failure.
55-year-old Rene got more than he bargained for while out on a hunting trip with his three dogs.
A new study suggests that dolphins may use complex nonlinear maths when hunting for fish.
A team of 38 researchers is planning an expedition to find evidence of China's answer to the Yeti.
Astronomers in Australia have emphasised the importance of seeking out other habitable planets.
New England Ghost Project executive director Ron Kolek is offering the six-week course to enthusiasts.
Genetic analysis of a shrunken head verifies anecdotal accounts of violent head-hunting in South America.
SetiQuest Explorer is currently in a private beta stage and will be available on the iPhone this summer.
A 'super pack' of 400 wolves have started hunting together due to lack of food.