Astronomers using the Hubble telescope have picked up signs of cloud cover on two extrasolar planets.
NASA has developed a new type of landing apparatus that could make exploring other worlds much easier.
Astronomers believe that there could be an exoplanet orbiting a nearby pair of brown dwarf stars.
The Hubble Space Telescope has picked up signs of water in the atmospheres of several distant worlds.
Scientists believe that our universe is filled with far more habitable planets than previously thought.
Since 1992 the number of planets discovered orbiting distant stars has been growing exponentially.
The two largest planets in our solar system may be home to diamond rain and liquid diamond oceans.
The fuel needed to send space probes on missions to other planets could run out within ten years.
Astronomers believe that the moons around extrasolar planets may not be good candidates for life.
Astronomers have identified a distant star system with at least three planets in its habitable zone.
Survey telescopes set up in Antarctica are being used by Chinese astronomers to look for alien planets.
NASA's Kepler mission has found several new potentially habitable planets orbiting distant stars.
An effort to listen out for intelligent aliens in the direction of stars with planets has drawn a blank.
Astronomers have determined that the nearest Earth-like planet could be only 13 light years away.
Exotic alien life could potentially thrive on habitable moons around distant planets, say scientists.
Recent discoveries have indicated the likelihood that our own galaxy is teeming with planets.
Have we discovered all the planets in our solar system or could there still be more out there to find ?
Astronomers have discovered a star system with six planets, one of which could potentially support life.
Planets orbiting a sun-like star exhibit the closest layout to that of our own solar system yet seen.
As the hunt for habitable planets intensifies astronomers are turning their attention to alien oceans.