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True Ghost Stories

My childhood haunting

October 29, 2018 | Comment icon 0 comments
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This story was submitted to the site by Brooklynn from Cincinnati, Ohio.
Okay, so this is the first time telling this story to the public outside of close friends and family. before I begin, I must say I believe in the paranormal completely. This story is probably my second known paranormal experience , both happening as children. After the incidents occurred in this story, I haven't had a paranormal experience since. This happened in 2006-2007. We lived in a two family house, living on the top floor. My dad had a best friend, who lived on the bottom floor with his wife. the paranormal activity started happening with small things, my mom was in the kitchen one day cooking while my dad was in the living room, and my sister and I were outside playing. She said she felt someone tugging on her dress and saying, "mommy!" "mommy!" she turned around thinking it was me and saw no one there. She preceded to ask my father was I in the house, he said no and that we were outside. She was very confused, as she knew what she heard and felt. My father passed away shortly after that unfortunately, and that's when the activity escalated. I don't think whatever was in the house actually was attracted to me as it was my mother or sister, or maybe I was clueless because I was a child. My sister recently told me about this particular experience with my mother, but it was one weekend, maybe a few months after my father passed not yet a year though. My mother was in a bad place mentally, but she was doing the best she could. She didn't have all the support a mother who lost her husband should have, but by god was she strong and did her best.

This particular weekend me and my sister were out of the house, and my mother was there alone for the weekend. My mother apparently heard voices in the house telling her to kill herself, that no one wanted her around, and she'd be better off dead. The voices didn't stop until my sister came home that Sunday. She asked my mom why there was a long , black extension cord laying in the middle of the floor, and my mother told her what happened. It scared the hell out of my sister.
We believe there may have been multiple spirits in the house, one possibly malevolent. The only actual thing I remember happening to me in the house is having a lot of nightmares or bad dreams, but the dreams were odd, it was like I was awake, laying in bed, but I couldn't really move, and I was afraid. I couldn't see anything but I felt like someone was coming in the room or already in my room. I would force myself awake, and it would be fine. That happened more times than i'd like. Besides the dreams, I only saw a large black figure, maybe a mass, and it would run from my mom's room to our room and everytime I would turn to look at it, nothing would be there. I would only see it at the corner of my eye. It would freak me out because I know I'm seeing something, but nothing would be there. My sister said she would see a black figure standing at the edge of our bed, it wouldn't move or do anything, but she felt as if it was going to hurt her. It would give her fear. She would close her eyes and try to sleep and not wake me, and when she opened her eyes the figure was gone. It happened multiple nights.

I can agree, after my father's passing everything about the house seemed much creepier. Our closet in our room which we liked because it had a cubby hole, suddenly scared the heck out of us. We never used it. My mom wasn't in a good place, and my sister had to become the mom for a bit. She experienced more things as far as sounds and footsteps. To this day we have no idea what's going on in that house. We learned after moving out that we were the longest living family that's stayed there, everyone else moved within months.

My sister believes it might have been a portal of some sort, since there was a malevolent spirit as well as the child my mother heard, and the sighting of a dead family friend in the house. I was told that if it was a portal, I would of had way more experiences. Either way, we truly believe there was something in that house. We believe my fathers spirit stopped it from turning as bad as it could of been. Now that I'm older, I'm still not sure what to believe, although I can say, there were a lot of bad things happening in our lives while we lived in that house. My father's passing, my mother spiraling into depression and drugs, my sister trying to be the "parent" while still trying to be a kid. I know that spirits feed off energy, and since we had a lot of bad energy at the time , there could of been a bad spirit in the house that fed off our energy. I'm grateful the situation didn't get as bad as we think it could of, and I'm glad I haven't had a paranormal experience since, but I do hope to find out more about that house. I'm doing research now, because I don't believe we were the only family that experienced something in there.

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