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Browsing column articles:
T. Stokes

Abductions and police policy

10-24-2006 | 4

The U S police take reported abductions more seriously than here in Britain, some British authorities will not even...

T. Stokes

The genie in the bottle

10-9-2006 | 8

This is a strange story and in retrospect I am not proud of my part in it. It began when in 1980 I took employment ...

T. Stokes

The large country house

9-10-2006 | 0

While admitting to being in the autumn of my life, and not in the best of health,I am still asked about my 40 years...

T. Stokes

Who really sunk the Lusitania ?

9-5-2006 | 9

The great luxury liner the Lusitania, the worlds largest ship at the time, was leaving New York on May 1st 1915 on ...

T. Stokes

Deunking the skeptics ?

8-27-2006 | 4

Most people are a little sceptical about things they have not studied. Even believers in paranormal subjects can be...

T. Stokes

What exactly are UFOs ?

8-17-2006 | 2

Although I was interested from early on about the paranormal, I came late to the subject of U.F.O.’s because I ju...

T. Stokes

The haunting of Connaught hospital

8-11-2006 | 0

Walthamstow village in east London, has many tales to tell from its old buildings. Dating in the main back to befor...

T. Stokes

The death of parapsychologist John Beloff

8-1-2006 | 0

John Beloff was a psychologist who was so taken with J. B. Rhine’s landmark book,“Extrasensory Perception” wh...

T. Stokes

Trevor the tramp

7-26-2006 | 0

With the rise in interest of all things paranormal, or maybe it just seems to be on every ones lips, certainly ever...

T. Stokes

Tim Field: Death of a spiritual seeker

7-12-2006 | 2

Tim Field has died aged 53 from cancer. Once in a lifetime comes a man who turns over the stones of existing order ...

T. Stokes

Gary McKinnon and official propaganda

7-5-2006 | 5

Many people wonder how, if as the British and U.S government have always claimed that U.F.O’s do not exist, how c...

T. Stokes

Palmistry from ultrascans

6-26-2006 | 0

Queen Victoria during the 1880s popularised the taking of plaster cast’s of children’s hands, by doing those of...

T. Stokes

Spiritual democracy

6-22-2006 | 1

One of the significant factors of the Aquarian age is the rejection of totalitarianism. In theological doctrine, ma...

T. Stokes

Good and evil ?

6-10-2006 | 7

The question is often asked, “why does god allow so much evil in the world”. No doubt every religious group wou...

T. Stokes

Who was Helen Duncan ?

6-7-2006 | 4

One of the best documented cases in the history of paranormal archives, and one which still excites public interes...

T. Stokes

Channelling and mediumship

6-3-2006 | 3

I obtained some tickets for a “channelled talk” by a big name from the U.S, a visiting Britain on a book promot...

T. Stokes

Synchronicity, coincidence and Kiaros

5-30-2006 | 6

A synchronicitous moment, is when a weird co-incidence seems to have strange undertones of real meaning. The Greeks...

T. Stokes

Alternative medicine and astrology

5-27-2006 | 2

Fraudulent letters sent to newspapers, by a secret government think tank here in Britain, are designed to state the...

T. Stokes

The hounds of hell

5-11-2006 | 1

It was just weeks after the most traumatic spirit venture that ever involved me, and it was only two blocks away, t...

T. Stokes

The UFO film show

5-3-2006 | 2

I received an email invitation some time back, to give a talk and show some photos of both U.F.O phenomena and life...

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