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T. Stokes

Channelling and mediumship

June 3, 2006 | Comment icon 3 comments
Image Credit: stockxpert
I obtained some tickets for a “channelled talk” by a big name from the U.S, a visiting Britain on a book promoting tour. The publicity hand out sheet, told that he was a master healer, animal whisperer, tarot, aura and crystal reader, yogi master, advanced spirit doctor and feng shui expert. I wondered what his real name was, and why on earth he would need to hide behind a stage name. The psycho/spiritual press had had some glowing reports about this big name, these are often sent in secretly by the big name themselves, but I was pleased to see a good turn out in the hall to watch the proceedings. The seats were not cheap, and as I sat down an enormous woman wheezing asthmatically rolled toward me, I was then treated to having her sit beside me and push my arm from the seat rest as she spread over the seats on either side, And began loudly sucking serial peppermints from a bag in her voluminous lap. I had no pre-conceived ideas on what to expect from the talk, but the whole channelling area is one that is easily faked, so I waited to be pleasantly surprised. A thunderous clapping welcomed a pointy bearded gentleman in a long black cape, to the stage with a magnificent wig which was like the blackbirds nest in my garden that I protect from the local cats. I thought; “better check its still there when I get home.”
He then began to tell us we were very privileged to hear a channelled speech from Jesus tonight, asked for total silence, and sat down and then sat back and relaxed into an arm-chair, the lights dimmed, he began to talk about life in Galilee, and of hiding from the hard line Jews, who were constantly winjing to the Romans about his “love your enemies speeches “and going round encouraging drunkenness by turning water into wine, and cheating doctors out of their fees by irresponsibly healing the sick.He said how he loved his mother and was a good mummies boy,but knew he would end up on the cross, He did this to leave us the wonderful legacy of his teachings, and would people who loved Jesus please give generous donations for his new book.Now over the years I have seen the best of these practitioners and this man was among the worst.Because the whole area of the paranormal is so popular right now, there is much chaff among the wheat. It is no wonder that half-brained sceptics, denialists, cold readers and flannellers, attack these subjects when we ourselves are so gullible ?How can one man be a master in all these different arena’s, when its taken me 50 years to master holistic spirit palmistry ?

This year alone we have had an American action mans mother claim that she is a top astrologer, and her dog predicted the Iraq war, George Bush is a Martian, and she can tell your fortune from a feel of your bum for $75 a go.We have had a spoon bending showman lose an expensive court case to James Randi, ( see my article battle of the quacks )a couple of alcohol freaks claim they faked all the crop circles, and low intellect hoaxers claimed they faked the alien autopsy film.The American senate refuse to pay the ransom to the psychic who said exactly where Saddham Hussein was hiding even down to a hole in the ground.The constant barrage of complaints about threats and curses from postal psychic junk mail spam, and expensive phone psychic scams, some phone psychics with just 2 hours tuition.The farce of the prosecution of unemployed computer nerd Gary Mc’kinnon who took the secret U.F.O data from the 97 American defence computers, even though spy Jonathan Pollard has said Israel has done the exact same thing for 20 years, why no prosecutions here ?Why were U F O documents on the defence computers ?The London scam medium who was tricking vulnerable women from their savings, Including the girl who lost her £30,000 inheritance money in a “curse removal scam “And the “send me an angel to watch over me “ advertisements for $50 a shot.The whole psychic interest arena is so full just now of crap and spam that a new word has entered the British vocabulary for talking nonsense, “Rumsfelding”Because I lecture in all this stuff, my postbag is always full, and 75% is complaints about fakery. If in doubt keep your money in your pocket.Remember the Spiritualist church gives messages from spirit and it is for free,Most times these are informative and instructive.This may really be the place to start in your quest for self knowledge and understanding. Comments (3)

Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by QueryAnalyzer 18 years ago
Its cool to have some mystery in life, but I really think the paranormal boom that society is having is kind of sick.
Comment icon #2 Posted by IronGhost 18 years ago
Its cool to have some mystery in life, but I really think the paranormal boom that society is having is kind of sick. True, but chalatans have always been, and always will be, including thousands of "Christian" fakers. In America, we had a famous TV preacher by the name of Oral Roberts. He had a huge following. He once told his audience that if they didn't send him $2 million, the God would kill him. It worked -- the money poured in. Another time, Roberts said he saw "900-foot-tall" Jesus appeared to him and told him to build a huge hospital -- of course, this meant that his audience had to se... [More]
Comment icon #3 Posted by Anvil 18 years ago
If in doubt keep your money in your pocket.Remember the Spiritualist church gives messages from spirit and it is for free,Most times these are informative and instructive.This may really be the place to start in your quest for self knowledge and understanding. Fully agree with this! and for such an unregulated area, the Spiritualist Church at least goes to lengths to somewhat regulate their mediums/channellers who practice.

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