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Archaeology & History

Lake Titicaca yields ancient treasure trove

By T.K. Randall
October 14, 2013 · Comment icon 10 comments

A village on the shores of Lake Titicaca. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 2.0 World Wide Gifts
Archaeologists have located more than 2,000 individual artifacts beneath the waters of the lake.
The items were found at what is believed to have once been an ancient ceremonial site and include ceramics, gold and gems. Some of the items, including puma heads carved in stone and intricately detailed gold leaf artifacts, are believed to date back over 1,000 years.
The world famous lake is located 12,000ft above sea level and sits on the borders of Bolivia and Peru. Once deemed to be a sacred place by the Incas and Tiwanakus, the lake would have been the site of numerous ceremonies and spiritual practices.

"We have found archaeological material from the Tiwanaku and Inca cultures among objects from the 19th to the 9th century," said project leader Christophe Delaere. In a televised meeting with President Evo Morales, Delaere stated that the artifacts had been found 20ft underwater and that the remains of a pre-Columbian boat had also been identified.

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by BadChadB33 11 years ago
Did they find any proof of aliens down there?
Comment icon #2 Posted by Ashiene 11 years ago
Giorgio Tsoukalos and his gang will have orgasms over this.
Comment icon #3 Posted by Lava_Lady 11 years ago
20 feet doesn't seem that deep, I'm surprised none of it was found sooner. Great find though.
Comment icon #4 Posted by freetoroam 11 years ago
Where are the pictures of them, or are they waiting for the paint to dry? Once a sacred place...for sure, not any more.
Comment icon #5 Posted by Rolci 11 years ago
not exactly a gobekli tepe...
Comment icon #6 Posted by wdsta1 11 years ago
there goes the neighborhood
Comment icon #7 Posted by burt_ie 11 years ago
It's a city of gold! Quick call Esteban and Zia!
Comment icon #8 Posted by Avallaine 11 years ago
It's a city of gold! Quick call Esteban and Zia! Oh, bless you for that! (But don't forget Tao. Sidekicks need more love.)
Comment icon #9 Posted by SkepticalB 11 years ago
Heh.....titi caca
Comment icon #10 Posted by Erowin 11 years ago
Is this the same lake that people tried to drain in order to get at the supposed riches below? Because that's awesome if so.

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