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'Vampire healing' could help mend old bones

By T.K. Randall
May 20, 2015 · Comment icon 11 comments

Could we one day see donated blood being used to help heal the elderly ? Image Credit: US Navy
The blood of the young possesses special healing properties that disappear as we get older.
Scientists had long believed that broken bones take longer to heal in the elderly due to the way the bone cells deteriorate with age, but now researchers have found that it is actually the age of a person's blood that dictates how long the healing process takes.

Experiments using mice have revealed that younger blood cells produce a unique molecule, most likely a protein, that is responsible for speeding up the healing of fractured bones.
"It turns out that it's not the bone cells, it's the blood cells," said study co-author Benjamin Alman.

"As you get older, the blood cells change the way they behave when you have an injury, and as a result the cells that heal bone aren't able to work as efficiently."

The discovery means that it may be possible to aid the healing of a broken bone by giving an elderly patient a transfusion of blood from a younger donor. It may even be possible to find a technique to reactivate these additional healing capabilities in blood cells no matter how old they are.

"If they could never behave like young cells again, and they were too worn out to produce bone the way they should, it would be really hard to change that," said Alman. "But these results show that this is a solvable problem. Now it's a matter of figuring out how best to make it work."

Source: Smithsonian Magazine | Comments (11)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #2 Posted by Infernal Gnu 10 years ago
I want Kim Khardasian's blood so I can become young and famous for having the blood of someone who is famous for being famous.
Comment icon #3 Posted by freetoroam 10 years ago
Experiments using mice Why not just use humans? Experiments have been made with a particular skincare company in relation to the cells and the effect the bees honey have on it. it has been proven that the microtears can be repaired to a certain % by using the product. There is also a product which works on the senescence cells, which actually keep the cells younger, this involves rare orchids. In years to come, the cosmetic coupled with the research into the bone healing, I believe it will be possible to "stay" long as the pollution and GM foods do not get to you first.
Comment icon #4 Posted by seeder 10 years ago
The Queen mum used to have blood transfusions...we are told it was to help her anemia... yeah right! Anyway, old news...first reported I believe in 2012
Comment icon #5 Posted by jarjarbinks 10 years ago
#2 Famouception
Comment icon #6 Posted by Athena1979 10 years ago
"Oh, Edward, I am kind of upset with you. Why is it you only come around when you have a broken leg?" "Why, Bella, I have no idea what you mean!"
Comment icon #7 Posted by Sucellos 10 years ago
The vampire/ blooddrinking stories always made me wonder since the day science started talking about stemcells.
Comment icon #8 Posted by psyche101 10 years ago
I want Kim Khardasian's blood so I can become young and famous for having the blood of someone who is famous for being famous. Nasty. People with a big backside look at Kim's Backside and go, Goddam that is a big bum.
Comment icon #9 Posted by Razer 10 years ago
Experiments using mice Why not just use humans? I agree, it is not like a new drug that needs extensive trials before giving it to humans.
Comment icon #10 Posted by She-ra 10 years ago many thoughts swirling in my head right now. I would be willing to be a human guinea pig for this. Send those young blood cells my way. I mean, if it helps with pain, in addition to healing bone breaks, I will be first in line to try it. Sign me up!
Comment icon #11 Posted by psyche101 10 years ago many thoughts swirling in my head right now. I would be willing to be a human guinea pig for this. Send those young blood cells my way. I mean, if it helps with pain, in addition to healing bone breaks, I will be first in line to try it. Sign me up! Venison might work better? Amazing - the healing properties of Deer. Antler Velvet is highly prized in some circles for extending youth.

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