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Hypersonic air vehicle to be ready by 2023

By T.K. Randall
June 3, 2015 · Comment icon 3 comments

US Air Force conceptual image of the X-51 Waverider. Image Credit: US Air Force
The Pentagon and the US Air Force are working on developing hypersonic weapons and aircraft.
The technology, which is being built through the combined efforts of the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Pentagon's research arm, is set to continue on from the successful test of the X-51 Waverider, a hypersonic scramjet that reached more than Mach 5 back in 2013.

"X-51 was really a proof of concept test," said Air Force Chief Scientist Mica Endsley. "It showed that you could get a scram jet engine, launch it off an aircraft and it could go hypersonic."

"It was able to go more than Mach 5 until it ran out of fuel. It was a very successful test of an airborne hypersonic weapons system."

The follow-up to the X-51, which has been tentatively planned for completion by 2023, will attempt to consolidate the technology by building a stable air vehicle that can carry guidance systems and other materials while maintaining the same speeds achieved during the test flights.
"What they are trying to do now is build the whole system so that it is not just about the engine," said Endsley. "You have to have materials that can operate at the kind of temperatures you have when you are going at hypersonic speeds."

"There are a bunch of technological challenges that have to be addressed to make a functioning system that will work."

In theory a hypersonic aircraft could fly from New York to Los Angeles in just 30 minutes however the extreme acceleration would make it impractical for it to carry human pilots or passengers.

As a weapon or spy platform though such a vehicle is likely to prove invaluable.

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Comment icon #1 Posted by LucidElement 10 years ago
Why was it destroyed as planned? Wouldn't they want to keep that for another rendezvous lol. Or do we just have a lot of them floating around haha. I can see they probably dont want other countries taking it, but just dont understand that one. 240 sec fuel supply though . lol dayummm
Comment icon #2 Posted by BeastieRunner 10 years ago
240 sec fuel supply though . lol dayummm If it's that fast, it should go very far on that amount though.
Comment icon #3 Posted by keithisco 10 years ago
So far behind the times... NASA. The Sabre engine and Skylon will be in the market way before they get their acts together and without the need to use a scramjet (which is basically useless below Mach 3 so another means of propulsion is also required). Just look up Reaction Engines on google.

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