Not a good day to be stuck in rush hour traffic. Image Credit: YouTube / Witalca Chumakov
A rather unpleasant fate befell unsuspecting commuters driving in rush hour traffic earlier this month.
If you think you've had a bad day, spare a thought for these drivers.
The bizarre incident, which took place somewhere in Russia, saw a large tanker truck filled with waste suddenly burst open in the middle of the road, spreading muck all over the nearby cars.
The freak event was caught on the dashcam of a vehicle following a few yards behind.
As the cars attempt to drive around the tanker, one vehicle in particular - a white car that had been right next to it when it exploded - can be seen completely covered in brown mess.
It is just as well the driver didn't have his window open at the time.
About 10 years ago something slightly similar happened in Chicago.  The Dave Matthews Band Bus was driving over one of those bridges downtown while an architectural tour boat was passing underneath and the bus driver - for whatever reason - dump 800 lbs of raw human waste on the deck.  At least the Russian just had equipment failure
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