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Nature & Environment

Giant snowballs appear along Siberian coast

By T.K. Randall
November 6, 2016 · Comment icon 4 comments

The snowballs are the result of a rare natural process. Image Credit: Public Domain
An unusual natural phenomenon in Siberia has covered an 11-mile stretch of beach with huge snowballs.
Locals living along the Gulf of Ob in the northwest of the region couldn't believe their eyes when they discovered thousands of large snowballs, some up to 3ft across, scattered along the coastline.

According to experts, the huge icy spheres are the result of a rare natural process which causes ice to be rolled up in to balls through a combination of strong winds and flowing water.
"As a rule, first there is a primary natural phenomenon - sludge ice, slob ice," said Sergei Lisenkov, press secretary of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute. "Then comes a combination of the effects of the wind, the lay of the coastline, and the temperature and wind conditions."

"It can be such an original combination that it results in the formation of balls like these."

Source: BBC News | Comments (4)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by CryptoAce 8 years ago
This is interesting. I wonder how often this has happened & maybe has gone unnoticed.. Watch them be eggs!!
Comment icon #2 Posted by Debstermania 8 years ago
Beautiful I would say...would be interesting to experience the science behind them...
Comment icon #3 Posted by Calibeliever 8 years ago
Cool post.
Comment icon #4 Posted by The_Mothman 8 years ago
I'd like to see someone catch this occurrence on camera and just watch it happen. Definitely some interesting stuff!

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