Wildcats are mostly nocturnal. Image Credit: YouTube / Wildcat Haven / Kev Bell
One of the largest wildcats ever seen anywhere in the world has been caught on camera in Aberdeenshire.
Dubbed the 'Clashindarroch Beast' after the forest in which it was spotted, the feline, which measures 4ft long, was captured on film as part of an ongoing Scottish wildcat conservation project.
The species is particularly rare in the UK and is totally extinct in England and Wales. Only a small population continues to exist in the remote forests of Scotland, particularly in the Highlands.
The trail camera that recorded the footage had been set up to try and monitor their population.
"I've been fortunate to get footage of quite a few of these ghost cats; there's about 10 to 15 of them here in the Clashindarroch," said Wildcat Haven field worker Kev Bell.
"I couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw this cat, he is enormous, a magnificent animal."
Does it have a scientific name for its species? When I grew up in Missouri, we had a cat that was a bobcat/ housecat mix. It was pretty good size. I had a sister-in-law that was afraid of it so much that she rarely came over. When we moved away, we left it there because it mostly lived off the land anyway.
For those in the UK, this has some good footage of wildcats, both in the wild and in captivity (and yes, they do on the face of it look just like a big domestic tabby)http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b077r373
Agreed, for us in the UK this is a wonderful sighting.. Thanks for the link Essan, I watched this only recently along with all Gordon's other episodes, in the celebrity specials...
Glad to see there are still some wild cats running around in the UK islands. It would have been more helpful if the researchers had put some kind of mark on the tree, maybe a 10 cm length, so we could judge the size for ourselves.
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