Russian spy plane checks out secret US bases
T.K. RandallApril 4, 2019 ·
It appears that Russia knows all about Area 51. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 2.5 Cooper
A Russian spy plane recently flew over Area 51 in Nevada with full permission from the US government.
There are few places on Earth as notoriously secretive as Area 51 - a remote facility in the Nevada desert that has become synonymous with stories of reverse-engineered alien technology and the development of highly advanced black projects that next to nobody knows anything about.
Despite all this however, 32 other countries including Russia have absolute freedom to fly aircraft straight over the top of the base and take as many photographs and sensor readings as they want.
It's all part of what is known as the Treaty on Open Skies which allows unarmed aerial surveillance flights over the entire territories of all its member states - including secret facilities like Area 51.
Of course it works both ways - the US can fly spy planes over Russian bases as well.
Just recently, a Russian Tupolev 154 surveillance aircraft flew over several key facilities on US soil with permission from the White House and with US military observers along for the ride.
The purpose of the treaty is to help ease international tensions by enabling member states to observe first-hand what their rivals are up to without the risk of carrying out illegal flights over their airspace.
It would seem that whatever is going on at Area 51 - Russia probably already knows all about it.
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Russia, Area 51
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