World of the Bizarre
Parents name babies 'Sanitizer' and 'Lockdown'
T.K. RandallApril 20, 2020 ·
Should parents really be naming their kids after the coronavirus ? Image Credit:
The ongoing coronavirus pandemic seems to have produced some rather unusual baby names.
This is certainly a trying time for any new parent, but for some newborn babies in India recently, traditional naming conventions seem to have been thrown out the window in favor of names that, although undoubtedly topical, may seem a little strange under the current circumstances.
According to reports, a baby boy in the city of Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh was named 'Sanitizer' in honor of the popular hand-washing substance used by millions during the pandemic.
The strange naming choice isn't an isolated incident either - in Chhattisgarh recently it was revealed that the parents of newborn twins decided to name their children 'Corona' and 'Covid'.
There are also reports of a child in Basti district who has been given the name 'Lockdown'.
The parents of Sanitizer have stated that they were inspired by the country's politicians who have emphasized the importance of washing hands to battle the virus.
"This is my way to contribute to the efforts taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the government," said the boy's father, Omveer Singh.
"Sanitizer is helping us fight coronavirus, so I named my child after it."
Times of India |
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