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The UFO Phenomenon

Trump comments on declassified UFO videos

By T.K. Randall
May 7, 2020 · Comment icon 531 comments

Trump has questioned whether the footage is even real. Image Credit: US Navy
The US President seemed somewhat skeptical when asked about the recent release of three UFO videos.
Last month the US Department of Defense took the unexpected decision to formally declassify and release three video clips of unidentified objects recorded by US Navy pilots.

The clips, which have been circulating for years, were filmed by pilots pursuing UAPs (or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) - objects that many have speculated could be extraterrestrial in origin.

These include footage recorded by pilots from the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group who encountered a fast-moving unidentified flying object 100 miles off San Diego during a training exercise back in 2004.

Since the release, the Internet has been awash with speculation about the videos, with many questioning what else the Pentagon might know about the phenomenon.

"I'm glad the Pentagon is finally releasing this footage, but it only scratches the surface of research and materials available," former Nevada Senator Harry Reid wrote on Twitter.
One person who doesn't seem to be quite as convinced about the significance of the videos however is the US President himself, Donald Trump.

When recently asked by Reuters what he thought about the release, he referred to the footage as a "hell of a video" before adding "I just wonder if it's real."

Trump has expressed skepticism about the subject of UFOs before, having previously commented on the matter last year when asked about it during an interview with ABC News.

"I did have one very brief meeting on it," he said. "But people are saying they're seeing UFOs."

"Do I believe it ? Not particularly."

Assuming that Trump could very well have access to everything there is to know about the subject, it is unclear if he simply has no interest in it or if he's being deliberately vague when questioned.

Source: CNN | Comments (531)

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Comment icon #522 Posted by I'mConvinced 5 years ago
As there are people in this thread that do care about this stuff I'll leave you with an excellent, very recent, summary video.  I have checked many of his facts and interview sources and find it covers the subject without great bias.  Enjoy!  
Comment icon #523 Posted by Trelane 4 years ago
Thank you. This and other related events have been debated to the point of exhaustion.
Comment icon #524 Posted by I'mConvinced 4 years ago
In your opinion, I just see you as another person unable to address the new evidence i.e. we know Mick's explanation can't be right and expert testimony tells us what is shown in the videos isn't anything he usually sees, this from a person spending all day looking through FLIR cameras for a living...  Its been hilarious watching people demand I provide evidence and when I do, it's not addressed and everyone runs and ducks for cover.  If you stopped by to let us know you're bored then thanks for sharing?  
Comment icon #525 Posted by Trelane 4 years ago
I've made my stance known as best I can without me violating my own security clearance. Looking through FLIR all day is one thing. Having personally seen or being familiar with highly classified aircraft (foreign and domestic) is another. I don't demand anything from anyone. You have your opinion and that's fine. However, based off of my experiences I have a definitively different opinion.
Comment icon #526 Posted by I'mConvinced 4 years ago
That's fair enough and I'd love to hear your take.  However, I'm also not going to buy the whole, paraphrased,  'well I'm a top secret clearance guy but its so hush hush I can't speak of it, but what I can tell you is i'm right and you're wrong".  It doesn't hold much water as an argument. If you are saying you have worked with/flown US aircraft with brand new, gravity based propulsion systems and that what we are seeing is explained by this then cool, I could buy into that.  However I don't buy into the afterburners and weather balloon nonsense some around here like to believe are shown... [More]
Comment icon #527 Posted by Trelane 4 years ago
That's understandable, however I have nothing to prove to anyone. I'm not a pilot or aviator, I'm a MP (20+ years now). I am firmly aware of the NDAs I've had to sign and what I've seen. This both in security debriefings and being assigned to site security where items have been temporarily stored.  
Comment icon #528 Posted by ChrLzs 4 years ago
.. and we're still waiting for a link to the radar data or FLIR footage that shows the maneuvers requiring a 'gravity-based propulsion system'.
Comment icon #529 Posted by Hazzard 4 years ago
Im guessing that he is pulling a "Skyeagle" on you...  If you remember that guy and his more than dishonest debating tactics.
Comment icon #530 Posted by ChrLzs 4 years ago
Yes, Sky was a strange egg.  I respected his service in the airforce, and he was absolutely convinced of ufo coverups but could never present anything solid.  It was kinda odd that as he was somewhat indirectly involved, he was a staunch defender of the Apollo missions, so he didn't buy into other conspiracy theories... It's also a pity that Merc14 isn't still around..  I hope he's OK, although I suspect his absence may be post-Trump shock.  He was a defender of the orange idiot for a while.
Comment icon #531 Posted by stereologist 4 years ago
Actually you are making false claims. We know that Mick West's analysis is correct. Your so-called expert testimony is not expert testimony. You have provided virtually nothing. I see really nothing of value you have offered.

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