Creatures, Myths & Legends
Georgia 'Bigfoot' footage emerges online
T.K. RandallDecember 6, 2021 ·
Is this Bigfoot, or someone in a costume ? Image Credit: Instagram / Cryptid University
A short video clip of what has been described as a mystery ape-like creature has recently appeared on Instagram.
The admittedly underwhelming footage, which was uploaded onto the media-sharing site by user 'Cryptid University', has since been picked up by a number of news and media outlets.
Reportedly filmed in woodland in the US state of Georgia, the video begins by showing a dark figure crouching down behind some trees and foliage a short distance away from the camera.
After a few seconds, the creature stands up, revealing a tall, bipedal, ape-like form.
As is so often the case with videos of this nature, however, the clip itself is rather blurry and there is little in the way of background information to explain the circumstances surrounding its capture.
It is also quite possible that the whole thing is a hoax involving someone wearing a costume.
Bigfoot filmmaker Seth Breedlove has expressed some skepticism about the clip.
"The subject seems to be very large but the movement possibly gives away the potential for some trickery," he said. "The subject seems to be looking down at the ground as it turns indicating it might be a person in a suit who is having some difficulty judging the forest floor beneath them."
"It makes me think this is more than likely a hoax."
What do you think ? You can check out the footage for yourself below.
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