The UFO Phenomenon
Yorkshire police UFO files include case of 'woman beamed into sky'
T.K. RandallNovember 25, 2023 ·
Obtaining UFO records in the UK has proven to be a challenge. Image Credit: Pixabay / KarstenBergmann
West Yorkshire Police claim to have received over 1,800 cases pertaining to UFOs within the space of just three years.
UFO reports seem to be particularly abundant in England's North-West - that is, at least, according to the results of a recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
Actually obtaining detailed information about these sightings, however, is proving to be easier said than done.
The request, which was put forward by
UFO Truth Magazine editor Gary Heseltine, was mostly refused on the basis that it would cost the police too much to retrieve and organize the records.
"Unfortunately, West Yorkshire Police are unable to provide you with the information requested," the official response reads.
"It is estimated that the cost of providing/locating the information you seek within your request, would exceed the time threshold. When a reasonable estimate has been made that the appropriate limit would be exceeded, there are no requirements for a public authority to undertake the work."
The police department did provide one, albeit extremely brief, case report:
"Male caller reports seeing four flashing lights hovering above his property in the street before a female was beamed into the sky," it reads.
Unsurprisingly, Heseltine wasn't particularly impressed by the response.
"It is a disappointing response and I am surprised that they do not have searchable keyword databases that could retrieve the information quickly," he told
The Mirror.
"Interestingly they have admitted 1,805 UFO related events from 2020 which seems extremely high to me."
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