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The UFO Phenomenon

Yorkshire police UFO files include case of 'woman beamed into sky'

By T.K. Randall
November 25, 2023 · Comment icon 9 comments

Obtaining UFO records in the UK has proven to be a challenge. Image Credit: Pixabay / KarstenBergmann
West Yorkshire Police claim to have received over 1,800 cases pertaining to UFOs within the space of just three years.
UFO reports seem to be particularly abundant in England's North-West - that is, at least, according to the results of a recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

Actually obtaining detailed information about these sightings, however, is proving to be easier said than done.

The request, which was put forward by UFO Truth Magazine editor Gary Heseltine, was mostly refused on the basis that it would cost the police too much to retrieve and organize the records.

"Unfortunately, West Yorkshire Police are unable to provide you with the information requested," the official response reads.

"It is estimated that the cost of providing/locating the information you seek within your request, would exceed the time threshold. When a reasonable estimate has been made that the appropriate limit would be exceeded, there are no requirements for a public authority to undertake the work."
The police department did provide one, albeit extremely brief, case report:

"Male caller reports seeing four flashing lights hovering above his property in the street before a female was beamed into the sky," it reads.

Unsurprisingly, Heseltine wasn't particularly impressed by the response.

"It is a disappointing response and I am surprised that they do not have searchable keyword databases that could retrieve the information quickly," he told The Mirror.

"Interestingly they have admitted 1,805 UFO related events from 2020 which seems extremely high to me."

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by Nicolette 1 year ago
But I  am sure people will still say all 1805 witnesses were delusional because it's not popular opinion and doesn't fit thier paradigm... without even realizing they themselves are being delusional.
Comment icon #2 Posted by Dejarma 1 year ago
you could be right, i don't know, but most people don't even know you can actually see satellites moving majestically through the night sky with the naked eye... if you don't know this then to them it's weird & wonderful== a UFO, & it's reported as such-- if you can't or won't at least consider this as a possible reason for so many reports then maybe you should. is this not a reasonable logical possibility?  just saying it as i see it. Peace. Dej...
Comment icon #3 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 1 year ago
That's almost two cases per day. This is doable if - for example, each sighting of the UFO/satellite causes 10 or 20 calls to the police.  But overall, you really need the pertinent data to say anything meaningful. For example, if it was rainy/cloudy that day, then discount satellites.  And the first thing I question inre, satellites is, why only in the Northwest of England?? So I don't think that satellites will explain very many cases. 
Comment icon #4 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 1 year ago
Dejarma, It's just as wrongful to say, "... if you don't know, it's satellites"
Comment icon #5 Posted by Dejarma 1 year ago
yeah but it's more likely to be satellites, isn't it? i don't know & neither do you... i haven't done it for years but when i used to check up on all the new sightings i could find- the vast majority reported a light that looked like a star moving slowly very high up. they've probably seen a satellite, it may not have been but 'probably' it was-- seeing there really are satellites up there, tons of them actually, then isn't it basic common sense to come to this conclusion?
Comment icon #6 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 1 year ago
  Not if it was raining out. gotta get the data
Comment icon #7 Posted by Grey Area 1 year ago
I don’t get who the people are contacting the police to report UFO sightings? Rapes, assaults and robberies are grossly under reported by victims, but Yorkshire has over 600 UFO reports per year? Who sees a UFO and calls the police?  And who thinks the police are able to do anything about a UFO? I suspect, this statistic plays into the disturbingly large number of people who contact the authorities due to mental health issues.
Comment icon #8 Posted by Dejarma 1 year ago
Comment icon #9 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 1 year ago
"Fear of the unknown" can cause people to do that, of course.     mental health issues...  There go the eyewitnesses! 

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