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The UFO Phenomenon

USAF sergeant encountered 'Walmart-sized' UFO and 'four beings'

By T.K. Randall
May 22, 2024 · Comment icon 148 comments
UFO at night.
What happened to Woods and his colleague that day ? Image Credit: Midjourney
Staff Sergeant Mario Woods had a close encounter with something he could not explain back in 1977.
Speaking recently on The Disclosure Team podcast, Woods, who at the time had been tasked with guarding the missile silos at Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota, described how, while standing at the control center outside the base, he had witnessed a huge luminous object in the sky.

The object was confusingly large and did not seem to resemble any known aircraft.

A short time later, he and his team were alerted to an alarm signaling that something had penetrated the perimeter of the base, so he and his colleague Michael Johnson jumped into their vehicle and headed out to investigate.

After a few minutes of driving, they could see the large object, which had a strong pulsating light, around one mile away.

"You could see this pulsation... these orange, red and white colors," Woods recalled.

When they got closer, they could see that the object was absolutely gigantic - like "the size of a Walmart building and as long as an aircraft carrier".

As they stared up at it, a bright light suddenly lit up the entire area and the two men felt as though they were being lifted up out of their seats by some strange, unseen force.
As if this wasn't enough, a strange drone-like object then appeared nearby.

"A ball, about four to five times the size of a beach-ball appeared just a few inches above the hood," Woods recalled. "The word drone or anything like that was not used then we didn't have drones, but it appeared to be some type of a drone."

"This thing shot around like a ping pong ball, as big as it was, for three or four seconds and all of a sudden it flew off, and it was gone."

Then, something even stranger happened.

"I saw these four beings - three small and one tall - about 20 feet away," he said. "They weren't walking, but they were all just moving at the same time, coming toward me."

Next thing, the entities and the UFO had disappeared and Woods found that he and his colleague were now parked some 10 miles away from where they had been just a moment ago.

"The strangest part about that is the vehicle was facing the only direction in which it could leave in, and there were no tyre tracks coming in there," he recalled.

To this day, exactly what happened to the two men that night remains a total mystery.

Source: Daily Star | Comments (148)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #139 Posted by Hazzard 4 months ago
Again. This is absolute nonsense.
Comment icon #140 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 4 months ago
Consider it an Honor, preacherman. 
Comment icon #141 Posted by ChrLzs 4 months ago
So let's summarise, and try to clean up this thread too...  Over on another thread, to a true believer who has also lurked here a bit, I said the following .. but this time it's to Preacherman: Give us your considered opinion on what it was, and if piloted, who was doing that?  More importantly, is THIS seriously your best evidence for whatever you are claiming, and what should we do now, decades after the event, and without any similar cases?  Over to you..
Comment icon #142 Posted by Ell 4 months ago
Is that directed at me? If so: yes, I could tell a bit more, but I won't. (I have also forgotten some details as my observation happened long ago.)
Comment icon #143 Posted by Hazzard 4 months ago
It was probably a fantasy/daydream.  Little kid have those all the time.
Comment icon #144 Posted by the13bats 4 months ago
Share with us what the paper claimed it was please.
Comment icon #145 Posted by the13bats 4 months ago
Yeah, weird some are that emersed obsessed with people who have placed them on ignore. They need a different focus.
Comment icon #146 Posted by the13bats 4 months ago
That's correct memories are very flawed they change, morph and blanks get filled in as time passes some folks ego have issues accepting this known fact.
Comment icon #147 Posted by the13bats 4 months ago
You are just guessing, you are basing your measurements off unknowns, you have no clue what it was, guessing at size guessing at distance from you, it means zip.
Comment icon #148 Posted by Trelane 3 months ago
"In other news a Marine Corps sergeant states he encountered a Lowe's sized UFO over Twentynine Palms" ?

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