The image, which is said to show a large humanoid creature, has recently been the subject of some heated debate online.
On March 13th, 1997, sightings of a V-shaped formation of lights over Arizona would go on to make headline news.
The camera, which is situated in the Tucson hills in Arizona, will remain in place until the 31st Century.
Wildlife officials in Arizona recently posted up still images of an animal with a single horn on its head.
An alleged official warning about 'Bigfoots coming from the high country' in Arizona has been exposed as a prank.
Creepy footage has emerged showing an eerie figure standing at the side of a stretch of open highway in the dark.
It has been 25 years since a mass UFO sightings over Phoenix, Arizona captivated the world.
A recent torrential downpour in the north of the state prompted hundreds of long-dormant eggs to hatch.
A 19-year-old man from Arizona recently came up with a completely ridiculous plan to get the day off work.
A couple from Mesa recently recorded footage of a mysterious object dropping glowing orbs over the city.
Two separate airliners encountered an unknown object while flying over the Arizona desert in February.
The accident marks the first time that a pedestrian has ever been killed by an autonomous vehicle.
A university professor in Arizona is working on a system that can translate animal noises in to English.
72-year-old Ann Rodgers was forced to drink pond water to stay alive after becoming lost in Arizona.
A bizarre spectacle greeted pedestrians in Arizona this week when a large Halloween display got loose.
The Marana Police Department in Arizona has released an audio clip which features an unexpected extra.
The strange saucer-shaped object was picked up on video as it passed over a residential area.
In 1975 Travis Walton disappeared after he and his co-workers encountered a UFO in northeastern Arizona.
The massive swarm of bees had been unwittingly unleashed by two men working at a house in Arizona.
The states of Vermont, Arizona and Maine were home to the most sightings per capita last year.