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Browsing news and articles:
Creatures, Myths & Legends

Alleged 'Bigfoot' photographed in canyon near Ganado, Arizona

 VIDEO  12-22-2024 | 14

The image, which is said to show a large humanoid creature, has recently been the subject of some heated debate online.

The UFO Phenomenon

Phoenix Lights mass UFO sighting continues to intrigue 27 years on

3-15-2024 | 7

On March 13th, 1997, sightings of a V-shaped formation of lights over Arizona would go on to make headline news.

Science & Technology

The Millennium Camera will take a single photograph over 1,000 years

1-28-2024 | 6

The camera, which is situated in the Tucson hills in Arizona, will remain in place until the 31st Century.

Nature & Environment

'Unicorn' shows up on game camera in Petrified Forest National Park

11-28-2023 | 1

Wildlife officials in Arizona recently posted up still images of an animal with a single horn on its head.

Creatures, Myths & Legends

US Forest Service Bigfoot warning turns out to be a hoax

7-2-2023 | 10

An alleged official warning about 'Bigfoots coming from the high country' in Arizona has been exposed as a prank.

Ghosts & Hauntings

Trucker captures eerie dashcam footage of highway 'ghost' in Arizona

 VIDEO  3-14-2023 | 29

Creepy footage has emerged showing an eerie figure standing at the side of a stretch of open highway in the dark.

The UFO Phenomenon

Phoenix Lights UFO mystery celebrates its 25th anniversary

 VIDEO  3-14-2022 | 227

It has been 25 years since a mass UFO sightings over Phoenix, Arizona captivated the world.

Nature & Environment

Hundreds of alien-like shrimp emerge in Arizona

10-14-2021 | 1

A recent torrential downpour in the north of the state prompted hundreds of long-dormant eggs to hatch.

World of the Bizarre

Man kidnaps himself to get out of going to work

 VIDEO  2-25-2021 | 32

A 19-year-old man from Arizona recently came up with a completely ridiculous plan to get the day off work.

The UFO Phenomenon

UFO filmed dropping 'fireballs' over Arizona

 VIDEO  12-12-2019 | 25

A couple from Mesa recently recorded footage of a mysterious object dropping glowing orbs over the city.

The UFO Phenomenon

Two airline pilots report UFO over Arizona

 VIDEO  4-5-2018 | 25

Two separate airliners encountered an unknown object while flying over the Arizona desert in February.

Science & Technology

Self-driving car kills pedestrian in Arizona

3-21-2018 | 34

The accident marks the first time that a pedestrian has ever been killed by an autonomous vehicle.

Science & Technology

Dogs could 'talk' using AI within 10 years

 VIDEO  1-13-2018 | 30

A university professor in Arizona is working on a system that can translate animal noises in to English.

World of the Bizarre

Woman survives 9 days in the Arizona wilds

 VIDEO  4-13-2016 | 21

72-year-old Ann Rodgers was forced to drink pond water to stay alive after becoming lost in Arizona.

World of the Bizarre

Giant inflatable pumpkin rolls down street

 VIDEO  11-3-2015 | 5

A bizarre spectacle greeted pedestrians in Arizona this week when a large Halloween display got loose.

Ghosts & Hauntings

Marana police pick up unidentified voice

 VIDEO  8-2-2015 | 16

The Marana Police Department in Arizona has released an audio clip which features an unexpected extra.

The UFO Phenomenon

UFO filmed passing over houses in Arizona

 VIDEO  3-7-2015 | 32

The strange saucer-shaped object was picked up on video as it passed over a residential area.

The UFO Phenomenon

Abductee Travis Walton to hold UFO summit

11-3-2014 | 302

In 1975 Travis Walton disappeared after he and his co-workers encountered a UFO in northeastern Arizona.

Nature & Environment

Man dies after being attacked by 800,000 bees

10-9-2014 | 18

The massive swarm of bees had been unwittingly unleashed by two men working at a house in Arizona.

The UFO Phenomenon

America's top 2013 UFO hotspots revealed

3-8-2014 | 17

The states of Vermont, Arizona and Maine were home to the most sightings per capita last year.

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