A still from the footage (which can be viewed below). Image Credit: Facebook / Kerri Burnett and Doug Maier
A couple from Mesa recently recorded footage of a mysterious object dropping glowing orbs over the city.
"I love to watch the skies," said Kerri Burnett who watched the spectacle with her fiance Doug Maier.
"It was a cloudy night and had drizzled off and on. Regular planes had been flying by since we can see the flight path for the airport. All of a sudden I saw this bright glowing orange light."
"I thought it was a planet or a star at first and then I realized 'oh that's close and it's moving towards us'. Then 'boom' it started dropping what looked like orange fireballs or something that travelled for a few seconds before they faded out and disappeared."
It's worth noting that there is a military base near to the city, however so far neither the Federal Aviation Administration nor the Army National Guard have been able to offer an explanation.
Some have speculated that the object could be an aircraft dropping parachute flares as part of a military exercise, however Maier remains unconvinced.
"There were no navigation lights," he said. "Even the military has to have navigation lights on."
"That's an FAA rule. I know what I saw, and I don't think it was from here, and I think it was definitely something else.
You can check out a local news report which features the original footage below.
Those are Arial Flares, I have seen them being used many times. You can fire them from a Mortar, Artillery, or even by hand. They are mainly used to light up the terrain around or in front of a military perimeter. They can also be used to mark a location for air strikes. It looks like a normal training exercise to me. No UFO here just more fantasy or wishful thinking.
How long have you been subscribed to this site? I remember when it used to be open minded and like minded people that would come here to enjoy the topic and offer their opinions on the subject. Now I see that this site is full of skeptics with nothing better to do then offer their uneducated opinion on what other people have experienced. This site has really gone to the redditors.
I have a feeling you do not know what open minded means. That's okay. It doesn't mean accepting every idea tossed around. It doesn't mean that you can't apply filters to the things being tossed around. It doesn't mean being gullible. Open minded means open to new ideas and in individual cases taking the time to examine them before making a decision. Skeptics make decisions based on evidence. They look for evidence. Often these cases have no evidence. There is a light in the sky. Other times some evidence is available. One of the problems with cases of unusual phenomena is that there is a lot o... [More]
They don't look bright enough to be illumination rounds to me ? I'd suggest it's just a large chinese lantern, that began to disintegrate. (hence the "fireballs").
Anything is possible, but I will stick with my original comments. The footage is poor and taken with a cell Phone at a good distance. In addition you can't tell how much illumination is being applied directly under the lights, and the dripping effect is common with illumination flairs. Last they could have also been flares that were marking a location, these would not be as bright as other flares. Plus the photos were taken with a large military training ground very near by. peace
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