T. Stokes
What will the new year bring ?
January 14, 2007 |
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The capital of India, New Delhi saw the mass wedding of 30,000 couples assembled together to marry on one of the most astrologically auspicious days of the year on December 13 2006. To maximize the good omens for 2007The whole city has been awash with music festivities and celebrations for several days, and this was even mentioned in the Indian parliament.The downside is that so many people wanted to take their holidays at the same time that many companies’ timetables were badly disrupted.There are said to be 10,000 practicing astrologers in the U.S.A with a clientele of over one million, many of these are politicians, stock exchange annylists and other educated professionals, yet in the west astrology is ridiculed by many in academia.
So while accepting that newspaper horoscopes are not to be taken seriously, in fact they are not even horoscopes they are sun sign solarscopes, and traditionally are written by an in house journalist with time on their hands, and this is the crux of the problem, many of the books and particularly magazines on these subjects are written not by practitioners but by journalists, who know about writing but not the subject matter, and people get turned off by this.Astronomers represent the main body of astrological criticism but just this year a N.A.S.A spokesman said;” the new information coming in from the Mars probe means all the present information we have is now defunct” so even astronomers make mistakes, and this has been a grand bumper year for scientists doctors and astronomers who were caught fudging and faking up research papers, taking bribes, lies and general dishonesty. My weekly postbag contains so much in the way of complaints about fake psychic readings, and a quick browse across the internet shows this is the tip of the iceberg. But we were fooled in other areas too, in 2006, look at how we were tricked into another foreign war on Muslims, while the same government filled up our towns and cities with these same people we were told were so dangerous we had to bomb and burn them in their homes.
A recent report claimed that more people read their horoscope in Britain than read the Bible, so what are people searching for ?The T V news which replaces “real news” with football and sport, it tells us that others are spending more money than we are at the Christmas sales, and to be happy we must spend spend and spend again, and all on borrowed money. Psychologists have a formula for happiness which runs as follows;“Personal chacteristics” e.g. outlook and adaptability, shortened to “P” “E” for existence, health money, friends and “H” for higher order, self esteem ambition and sense of humour.
So are you ready ? P-5 x E=3 x H they tell us can predict our happiness quotient just like an astrologers chart, but this year has brought conflict and argument to psychology also. So what will 2007 bring ? Added together the numbers make a 9, the number of Mars the god of war, Britain is ruled by Mars, of this Shakespeare said “Oh England thou seat of Mars” and this year has the omens of great bloodshed. With its nucleus in April we must be aware that as 9 is the number of man, greed and materialism, so truly did the master say ; “ only the meek will inherit the earth”
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