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The UFO Phenomenon

Chile declares that UFOs don't pose a threat

By T.K. Randall
August 13, 2014 · Comment icon 30 comments

UFOs are taken very seriously in Chile. Image Credit: CC BY 2.0 Gerhard Uhlhorn
A government meeting in Chile this week concluded that UFOs do not pose a threat to other aircraft.
The meeting, which took place at the headquarters of Chile's Civil Aviation Department, saw director Gen. Ricardo Bermudez invite nineteen experts from a range of different fields to discuss the phenomenon and to assess the potential threat that Unidentified Flying Objects might pose to other air traffic.

The topic of UFOs is considered to be a serious issue even among government officials in Chile, a country that has seen more than its fair share of sightings over the last few decades.
Those attending the meeting, including astronomers, nuclear physicists, civil aeronautics chiefs and security officers, eventually reached the conclusion that UFOs do not pose a risk to other aircraft but that more could be done to brief pilots on what to do or expect in the event of an encounter.

There were also calls for more studies designed to determine the nature and intentions of UFOs or UAP ( Unidentified Arial Phenomenon ) as they were referred to during the meeting.

"Based on the evaluation at the meeting, the committee concluded that UAP do not present a threat or a danger to air operations, either civilian or military," said Gen. Bermudez. "Although there have been a small number of accidents attributed to UAP around the world, none have withstood an objective examination that presented unmistakable proof that UAP were the cause."

Source: Huffington Post | Comments (30)

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Comment icon #21 Posted by DONTEATUS 11 years ago
Cant wait ! THats all in Blue !
Comment icon #22 Posted by psyche101 11 years ago
RED-Of course the plasma is theory also and not anymore proven then ET. But Plasma is proven, not theory but the 4th state of matter, there are multitudes of papers on Atmospheric Plasmas, the Hessdalen Project is laden with "UFO" type stories proving that Plasma exhibits the characteristics many ascribe the extraterrestrial craft. It is the 4th state of matter and in no way a mystery. We have never had aircraft in that situation that specifically takes readings of plasma, so there is no reason to expect a "definite" report. Just visual observations. And that we have. Some ascribe those observ... [More]
Comment icon #23 Posted by bubblykiss 11 years ago
Aliens would fly across the Universe to race planes? I would have flown to Africa just to kick in some termite mounds when I was younger if I was given the resources. Don't under estimate rich, bored, extraterrestrials.
Comment icon #24 Posted by Hawkin 11 years ago
Cant wait ! THats all in Blue ! little green men actually they're gray.-Colonel Oneil, SG1
Comment icon #25 Posted by psyche101 11 years ago
I would have flown to Africa just to kick in some termite mounds when I was younger if I was given the resources. Don't under estimate rich, bored, extraterrestrials. I think you're underestimating their parents credit cards. Space is big...........
Comment icon #26 Posted by DONTEATUS 11 years ago
Blue is just a shift in the light spectrum. Now Greys and Greens, and little purple guys, now thats a Party looking for a planet to come and party at ! We are afterall,kinda a very dull color. If and when E.T ever shows themself, I would bet they are quite the colorful in appearance.
Comment icon #27 Posted by Silent Trinity 11 years ago
Ok so that is the opinion from Chile... Forgive me but I can't see Chile being at the forefront of anything scientific or military in relation to extra-terrestrial visitors so they can pretty much say whatever they want lol.....The only way they would be relevant I suspect is if the Alien mothership landed in the middle of Santiago.
Comment icon #28 Posted by NocturnalWatcher 11 years ago
Ok so that is the opinion from Chile... Forgive me but I can't see Chile being at the forefront of anything scientific or military in relation to extra-terrestrial visitors so they can pretty much say whatever they want lol.....The only way they would be relevant I suspect is if the Alien mothership landed in the middle of Santiago. Chile has actually been a country with a ton of ufo sightings for decades and mass sightings as well, so there opinion is as valid as anyone else's. But.... "THERE IS NO ET PRESENCE" - every skeptic on this site.
Comment icon #29 Posted by MrBene 11 years ago
Well Chile has a long history with UFO, just search for "Friendship Island", pretty much one of the biggest hoaxes ever, Santiago Lights, the abduction of several truck drivers and more and more. I asked about military bases because it's sort of "common" tale here in Argentina that Chile has a great economy because of its relationship with the United States and the UK. It's not a mystery that during Falkland Islands war Chile helped England, so even these days all sort of planes and UFOs are sometimes labeled as "american or english drones/planes" etc. I guess you don't need to "own" a militar... [More]
Comment icon #30 Posted by FizzPuff 11 years ago
Wow, that's a bit of a broad assumption. In their defense, I suppose we haven't yet been attacked by one. If they were hostile then we would have been attacked by now.

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