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New brain scanner to 'reveal the human soul'

By T.K. Randall
December 20, 2018 · Comment icon 28 comments

There is much about the human brain that we do not understand. Image Credit: CC 2.0 Andrew Mason
Scientists working on the world's most powerful MRI scanner are aiming to fully explore the human brain.
The ambitious project, which is expected to cost somewhere in the region of $126 million, aims to unravel the mysteries of the human brain by observing the structure and activity of every neuron.

Tipped to 'revolutionize brain studies', the new MRI could help scientists to better understand the nature of consciousness while also offering the potential for some major medical breakthroughs including new treatments for degenerative brain diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's.
Once complete, the scanner, which will be built at the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, will be capable of visualizing objects 1,000 times smaller than current MRI scanners.

"We may for the first time capture a full picture of human consciousness or even the essence of life itself," said one of the scientists involved in the project.

"Then we can define them and explain how they work in precise physical terms - just like Newton and Einstein defined and explained the universe."

Source: New York Post | Comments (28)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #19 Posted by DanL 6 years ago
Those that believe need no proof and for those that don't believe there is no proof that they will ever believe.
Comment icon #20 Posted by Uber Doubter 6 years ago
Isn't this a bit like believing that you'll find a whole bunch of people if you open up an old radio? Time will (hopefully) tell if the brain is "all there is", or if it's just a receiver of sorts.
Comment icon #21 Posted by and then 6 years ago
MRI creates images by pulsing RF energy into the tissues, allowing that energy to be released and measured by antennas in 3 planes and the sampled data then constructed into an image by an algorithm.   The resolution/slice thickness is achieved by the magnet's strength and the amount of RF being pulsed.  There is no ionizing radiation like X-Ray that can damage tissue but tissue heating IS a concern.  I'd be very interested to see how they've solved the heating vs scan-time problem.  The idea of finding a "soul" is like the scientists in the 1800's who attempted to weigh an individual as ... [More]
Comment icon #22 Posted by Sir Smoke aLot 6 years ago
I hope not because we would realize how scarce the soul actually is
Comment icon #23 Posted by Robotic Jew 6 years ago
Back when I believed in God and the existence of souls I had a theory that I was born without one. That God had messed up and sent me down without the thing that made it possible for humans to connect and love each other. I was empty and that's why nobody loved me or cared about me and why I couldn't make any meaningful connections with people I met. Why I was so easy to discard and forget. I was 12. Now i know it's just cause i'm a loser.
Comment icon #24 Posted by XenoFish 6 years ago
You're a ginger too?  Seriously man let me be honest with you. Life sucks for everyone to a greater or lesser degree and a pity party for one doesn't solve anything. Been there done that, ain't worth it. 
Comment icon #25 Posted by BuddingPsychic1111 6 years ago
The soul itself is invisible.  But one can see evidence and proof of the spirit realm with their own eyes, if they have the beautiful experience of opening their third eye.  In fact, I see auras and energy fields all the time, and I have seen and interacted with ghosts on numerous occasions.  No MRIs or any equipment needed.  My own observations and interactions with spirits demonstrate that the spirit world exists.  
Comment icon #26 Posted by LucidElement 6 years ago
If your doctor orders you for an MRI scan - you think your insurance will pay for the flight to China to have that thorough scan lol.  
Comment icon #27 Posted by White Crane Feather 6 years ago
Yes a flow. 
Comment icon #28 Posted by White Crane Feather 6 years ago
If they can figure out a way to map every nuron and pathway, and store it. If there really is no soul, then we will soon be able to reproduce an exact copy of a person inside of a simulation. That is a cool and scary thought. The series Black Mirror on Netflix explores this potential.  I had a brain MRI last year. I kind wanted the data, I thought it wouldn’t be cool to try and broadcast the info it into space somehow. Who knows an alien civilization in the future might intercept it and recreate my consciousness in one of their computers. It would be cool, but probably a little terrifying ... [More]

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