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Is belief in alien life a whole new religion ?

By T.K. Randall
June 5, 2019 · Comment icon 113 comments

Belief in intelligent alien life is on the increase. Image Credit: PD - Comfreak / Pixabay
In the United States, there are almost as many believers in intelligent alien life as there are believers in God.
Professor Diana Pasulka of the University of North Carolina has recently published a new book - American Cosmic - which delves in to the parallels between religion and belief in UFOs.

The notion that mankind is not alone in the universe she argues, is itself becoming more and more like a kind of religion - especially given that over 50 percent of Americans and more than 60 percent of young Americans believe in alien life, a figure very close to that of those who believe in God.

"One way we can make sense of this is by using a very old but functional definition of religion as simply the belief in nonhuman and supernatural intelligent beings that often descend from the sky," Pasulka told's Sean Illing in a recent interview.

"There are many definitions of religion, but this one is pretty standard."
One way in which belief in God and belief in alien life differs, she argues, is that the idea that we are not alone in the universe is something shared (and often promoted) by prominent scientists.

"Here we have people who are actual scientists, like Ellen Stofan, the former chief scientist at NASA, who are willing to go on TV and basically make announcements like, 'We are going to find extraterrestrial life'," said Pasulka.

"She says we're going to find life, we're going to find habitable planets and things like that."

"So that gives this type of religiosity a far more powerful bite than the traditional religions, which are based on faith in things unseen and unprovable."

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Comment icon #104 Posted by Desertrat56 6 years ago
The whole converstaion has gotten way off track as the thread OP is about people creating a religion based on Aliens from outer space.  But as usual the bible thumpers have to bring in their gods instead of discussing why people would create a new religion based on space aliens.  I actually think it is something that has been going on, except I suspect the "space aliens" claiming to be gods were made up by people who wanted to rule large numbers,  not actual space aliens.
Comment icon #105 Posted by Coil 6 years ago
In the interview with the alien, she says that the Earth is a prison and a exile for criminals and people who do not fit into the framework of other worlds (it may even be talented people) so they drop them here, erase their memory and they forget which planet they came from so we are observed on earth the extremes of good and evil, great and low. Also, on earth there is a large variety of species of animals and nations that is not found on other planets. The theory that the earth is a prison has slipped somewhere in some topic but I did not know where the roots of this theory came from. It is... [More]
Comment icon #106 Posted by Desertrat56 6 years ago
@Coil  I read a book that was written in the early 50's, I can't remember the authors name, but she is where that prison planet idea came from.  All of what you say in the first paragraph is from her book.  I will see if I can find the title and author.  At about the same time another woman wrote a book claiming the aliens were bad and were coming to planet earth because we were god's special people and they wanted to find out how to get a soul.  Apparently that woman thought we were the only people who had souls and the aliens wanted souls.  There are a lot of crazy books out there with... [More]
Comment icon #107 Posted by Coil 6 years ago
All translations say Father so I don’t know where your doubts are: From the point of view of spiritual people, SAT level contains both the Father and the Mother in unity: See structure of universe(my post 49, spoiler) The ABSOLUTE is even higher. "Father" of our universe looks like Ishwara:  Paramashiva is the term usually referred to the Hindu god Shiva as the Supreme being according to Saivism which is one of 4 major samp... [More]
Comment icon #108 Posted by Desertrat56 6 years ago
So you have read the aramaic version?  
Comment icon #109 Posted by Coil 6 years ago
what version do you mean?
Comment icon #110 Posted by Desertrat56 6 years ago
You don't have an expert that will tell you what version Constantine's rabbis used to put together the new testament?  You don't know what version is the original judaic version of any of the references someone read for you that you quoted?
Comment icon #111 Posted by Coil 6 years ago
Listen, if the translation was wrong (not the Father but something else) indicate the original translation but it turns out you doubt but the translation is not given. Until there is an indication of a real version from you, I cannot consider it to be reliable and it does not bother me that the translators clumsily translated it.
Comment icon #112 Posted by Desertrat56 6 years ago
I don't believe any of the god stuff from any version is actual or factual.  I know most of the texts that the bible and koran were cherry picked from were historical accounts for the most part.  Sanskrit might be where you want to start.  I am not going to debate with you, just point out that you have no clue what anything said originally nor where it came from.  So, I disagree that your god is our "Father" or even has a gender.  Don't worry so much about proof now at this point.  You have no real proof and neither do I we both just have opinions.
Comment icon #113 Posted by Coil 6 years ago
Sorry, but you went away from the answer and doubted about Father and did not provide evidence of another option. You first find out for yourself where the truth is and then it will be easier for you to understand others. If you don’t believe in anything, even a small truth will not enter your head and any ignorance is always worse than a little knowledge. Your words say that you do not quite understand the difference between the actions of people and God and therefore do not understand the result of bad consequences that people have to correct in themselves and not God for them should do an... [More]

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