After initially dismissing her claims as mere imagination, her parents soon realized that she wasn't making things up.
Back in September 2023, millions of bees mysteriously wound up dead in a single night at a sanctuary in California.
The victim of a robbery sought the assistance of a witch doctor to help get her stolen money back.
The excitable driver seemed more enthusiastic than nervous about driving with the insects in his vehicle.
The unfortunate man had been trimming tree branches when he inadvertently disturbed a large nest full of bees.
A man in New Mexico popped into a store for 10 minutes and returned to find his car full of honey bees.
A recent viral video shows beekeeper Erika Thompson uncovering a huge beehive beneath a garden shed.
A new study has revealed that 25% of all known bee species have not been seen in as much as 30 years.
A nest of enormous invasive wasp-like insects has reportedly been discovered for the first time on US soil.
An invasive species of giant hornet has the potential to devastate honey bee populations, experts have warned.
A couple living in the Spanish town of Pinos Puente had been unable to sleep due to the loud buzzing sound.
Three hives containing a population of over 180,000 bees were left unscathed by this week's devastating fire.
A young woman in Taiwan who complained of a swollen eye was found to have small bees under her eyelid.
Scientists from Australia and France have determined that bees are capable of mastering basic maths skills.
A new study has revealed that most people seem to appreciate bees but find wasps annoying and dangerous.
Scientists in Australia have discovered that some bees exhibit a steering bias when flying around.
Scientists made the alarming discovery during an investigation in to the prevalence of pesticide residue.
The research has indicated that neonicotinoid pesticides are harmful to both honeybees and wild bees.
Pedestrians were left ducking for cover as the swarm descended on a crowded street earlier this week.
A new experiment has revealed for the first time just how remarkably innovative bees can actually be.