Just how fast would Santa need to have been going to deliver all the presents within the space of one evening ?
The probe is spending Christmas Eve attempting to fly closer to the Sun than any other spacecraft in history.
Santa Claus needs no introduction, but you may be surprised by just how many different names he's gone by.
Something strange was moving underneath the Christmas tree in this viral TikTok clip - and it wasn't Santa Claus.
The limestone sarcophagus is thought to have been that of Saint Nicholas - the real-life inspiration behind Santa Claus.
Just in time for the festive season, the image shows a cluster of young stars that happens to resemble a Christmas tree.
An armed assailant drove past the house and fired a shot into the enormous Christmas garden decoration.
Just in time for the festive season, the tiny record measures a ridiculously small 40 micrometers in diameter.
Two shopping centers in England have rolled out a rather novel approach to their Santa's grotto attractions this Christmas.
The bovine duo certainly weren't feeling the Christmas spirit when they did a runner from a chapel last week.
The Unexplained Mysteries Book of Weird News makes for an ideal stocking-filler this festive season.
A violent squirrel has had to be euthanized after it went on a rampage in a small Welsh town over Christmas.
An animatronic T. rex at the Natural History Museum in London is rocking a festive new look.
The annual 'biblical' migration of bright red crabs on Christmas Island is a spectacle like no other on Earth.
The peculiar trend has seen some recipients selling on their presents without even knowing what's inside them.
A skier who was buried for five hours has been rescued in what has been described as a 'Christmas miracle'.
A man with a white beard recently robbed a bank, threw the money in the air, then shouted 'Merry Christmas'.
A piece of wood believed to have come from the actual manger of Jesus himself is returning home for Christmas.
A heartwarming new Christmas ad has reunited Steven Spielberg's friendly alien with the now grown-up Elliot.
The youngster called up the police on Christmas Day because he didn't like the snow pants he'd received.