The destructiveness of the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs wasn't just down to its large size.
Scientists have identified a region of Africa that was once dominated by a wide variety of predatory dinosaurs.
Scientists have identified the fossil skull of what is thought to be the earliest ancestor of modern chickens.
A new study has suggested that it was an asteroid strike, not volcanism, that ultimately wiped out the dinosaurs.
A new study has revealed how long it took for the world's oceans to recover after the death of the dinosaurs.
Scientists have unearthed the fossil remains of a gargantuan marine reptile from the time of the dinosaurs.
A new study has cast doubt on the idea that the dinosaurs had been in steady decline before the impact.
Palaeontologists have discovered the fossil remains of a huge Triassic-era relative of modern mammals.
The discovery has cemented Archaeopteryx as a transitional form between non-avian dinosaurs and birds.
A new study has revealed that coral reefs have been around for far longer than previously realized.
According to a new study, only a few select bird species survived the asteroid strike that wiped out the dinosaurs.
A new study has revealed that a devastating event may have been responsible for the dinosaurs' dominance.
Scientists believe that dinosaurs like Triceratops may have used their horns to impress potential partners.
The dinosaurs' total domination of our planet may have played a major role in their eventual demise.
A news report about taxes was livened up considerably when three dinosaurs started fighting in the background.
Palaeontologists have discovered prehistoric parasites that once fed on the blood of dinosaurs.
Scientists exploring Antarctica have found fossils from a forest dating back over 260 million years.
The dinosaurs may not have gone extinct if the asteroid had hit almost anywhere other than where it did.
Fossilized droppings have revealed that some herbivorous dinosaurs occasionally snacked on seafood.
At the size of a beach ball, the monster-sized Beelzebufo ampinga was the largest frog that ever lived.