The unique thermal river - known as Shanay-timpishka - can be found in the Amazon rainforest in Peru.
The sighting occurred while the driver was cruising along remote country roads in rural Peoria County.
The gargantuan reptile was caught by Megan Sasser and her family along the state's Yazoo River.
Witnesses managed to capture the spectacle on film as the mysterious object slowly descended into the water.
An image shows what appears to be some sort of serpent-like creature in New York's Hudson River.
Found in the rivers and wetlands of South America, the green anaconda is very much more than meets the eye.
The remarkably well-preserved sword has been described as a 'major archaeological sensation'.
The peculiar incident had more to do with the driver's alcohol intake than the presence of a paranormal entity.
Officers couldn't believe their eyes when they spotted the canine sitting behind the wheel.
A driverless bicycle moving along a historic city street has been generating some heated debate online this week.
An image of what looks like a semi-transparent extraterrestrial entity recently went viral on social media.
A mysterious four-line poem thought to have a hidden meaning has been found in a bottle along the river.
The gargantuan specimen - a Wels catfish - measured 2.85 meters (or 9.4ft) in length.
The animal, which was standing at the side of the road, closely resembled a lynx or other species of wild cat.
The man recalled taking the woman to a local cemetery before realizing that she had disappeared from the car.
The bizarre mishap occurred when the driver blindly followed GPS directions down a boat ramp and into the water.
The excitable driver seemed more enthusiastic than nervous about driving with the insects in his vehicle.
The 45-year-old's mysterious disappearance remains a total enigma as it looks doubtful that she fell into the river.
A large bipedal creature was photographed by a fisherman near the Hoh River around 18 months ago.
Charles Amicangel had been delivering parcels when the ground suddenly gave way beneath his feet.