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Brendan D. Murphy

The conscious universe - part one

October 17, 2011 | Comment icon 3 comments
Image Credit: NASA/ESA/ESO
Some 2,500 years ago the Buddhist text, the Avatamsaka Sutra, described the cosmos allegorically through the imagery of Indra’s net. In the heavenly abode of the deity Indra, there was cast an infinite net reaching in all directions, and at each node point in the net there was a jewel, each reflecting the light of all the others—infinitely. Should any jewel be touched, each of the infinite other jewels would instantly be affected, presaging Bell’s theorem that everything is interconnected in this interdependent universe. The Buddhist vision essentially describes a holographic universe—our holographic universe. In The Tao of Physics, Capra explains the relevance of Indra’s net to particle physics, stating that “particles are dynamically composed of one another in a self-consistent way, and in that sense can be said to ‘contain’ one another.” This is a principle of the hologram: that each part contains within it the information that codes for the whole. In other words, all information fundamentally exists nonlocally, infinitely reflected in all the facets of existence.

So, what is a hologram? A hologram is produced when a single laser light is split into two separate beams. The first beam is bounced off the object to be photographed. Then the second beam is allowed to collide with the reflected light of the first on photographic emulsion (film), creating and recording an interference pattern that looks something like the concentric rings that form when a handful of pebbles is tossed into a pond. But as soon as another laser beam (or in some instances just a bright light source) is shined through the film, a three-dimensional image of the original object reappears. What’s more, if the image is, for example, cut down the middle, or even divided into dozens of fragments, each section will contain not a particular section of the object, but the whole thing (albeit at a lower resolution). The information is essentially distributed nonlocally throughout the holographic film. The hologram’s ability to store and process massive amounts of data is essentially due to the properties of light, which, incidentally, the body’s own DNA and cellular systems all use to communicate throughout our physical organism. The photon itself is considered to be localized information in its purest form.(1)

In 1997, a young physicist named Juan Maldacena used M-theory and branes (D-branes to be exact) to suggest that the manifest world in its entirety could be a holographic projection of information embodied in its boundary. The latest discoveries across all scientific disciplines are revealing the physical world (and its multifarious phenomena) is imbued with and in-formed by a holographic field, thus it is innately interrelated, coherent, and harmonic at all scales of existence.(2) Recently, German scientists using equipment for detecting gravitational waves encountered a particular and unexpected noise, possibly the sound of the microscopic quantum convulsions of space-time, according to Craig Hogan, a physicist at Fermilab in Illinois. Hogan had actually predicted the existence of this sound and approached the Germans with his explanation, suspecting that it may be due to the universe being a “giant cosmic hologram.”(3)

Cosmologists have found that the entire universe can be described as a type of hologram, or as interference patterns in space and time. Physicist Raphael Bousso wrote: “The amazing thing is that the holographic principle works for all areas in all space times.”(4) Further proving this applies to all scales, researchers at IBM created a holographic projection in a carefully arranged assembly of several dozen cobalt atoms 20 nanometers in diameter. When they inserted a magnetic cobalt atom into the ellipse, a fully configured ghostly image of it also appeared at the other focus of the ellipse.(5)

 Indeed, David Bohm and Karl Pribram discovered the holographic properties of nature concurrently for themselves, working as they were in the physical domain and the realm of the human brain, respectively. The information within a system is more fundamental than the energy through which it expresses itself, and the probabilities that describe a system are never random, as they are often wrongly interpreted; instead, they always embody information, whether they describe quantum possibilities or macro phenomena in the physical world.(6) Everything is fundamentally informational. Noted physicist Anton Zeilinger states succinctly in Dance of the Photons that the concepts of reality and information cannot be separated from each other.(7)

This is illustrated brilliantly by Thomas Chalko in his excellent article Is Chance or Choice the Essence of Nature? on apparent electromagnetic (EM) randomness being broadcast over the frequencies of a digital mobile phone network which college students—unaware that the frequencies they were observing belonged to actual ‘intelligent’ conversations between living people—were instructed to investigate. The students analyzed the data using a statistical approach that allowed them to actually make predictions of many events within their frequency band. They had become quite convinced that their theory actually “described the Reality,” and statistically speaking, it did to some extent. However, Chalko points out that by adopting a statistical approach the students completely missed millions of very real intelligent phone conversations. “Our students just couldn’t imagine that what appeared to them as ‘random’ was actually the consequence of a very intelligently encoded information transfer. As a result—they didn’t even try to decode anything.”(8)

The inference is clear: true randomness is an illusion, an artefact of limited perception and knowledge. The universe deals in intelligently encoded information that is intrinsically meaningful and thereby creates an ordered and meaningful cosmos, but there are many ways to analyse and extract information and meaning from the one system (complimentarity). The phone calls taking place between people manifested within the EM band as seemingly random fluctuations, but in reality these fluctuations were the result of conscious choices being made each moment by the people holding the conversations that possessed and expressed meaning to them and their own particular methods of analysis. The phone calls taking place looked random to the students because of the way they looked at them; they were not decoding them in a way that allowed them to extract or perceive the embedded meaning within privy to the speakers. What if the quantum field’s ‘random’ quantum fluctuations are really the functions or effects of the language being spoken by the holographic cosmos as it converses nonlocally between its many and varied component parts? What if lurking behind it all is conscious choice—on a scale we can barely begin to comprehend? What if the ancients were right, and modern science has brought us full circle back to a teleological cosmology, one in which we are no longer the centrepiece of a dead and meaningless universe, but, as conscious beings, an integral part of an intelligent and fundamentally conscious holographic multiverse?

In a holographic and self-referencing (fractal) universe, if sentience and intelligence exists at one scale, it must exist on all of them. It is interesting that Bohm’s research into plasmas yielded the observation that electrons in a plasma configuration began to act as if they were part of a larger, interconnected whole, so much so that he frequently had the impression that the electron sea was ‘alive.’ Mircea Sanduloviciu and colleagues have even created plasma spheres that can grow, replicate and communicate, fulfilling most traditional requirements for biological/living cells.(9)

Scaling things up, single-celled slime moulds demonstrate the ability to memorize and anticipate repeated events, a team of Japanese researchers reported in January 2008. The study clearly shows “a primitive version of brain function” in an organism with no brain at all.(10) In the late 19th century, over 110 years ago, Cienkowsky observed the feeding activities of the amoeba Colpadella Pugnax and found them so poignantly indicative of intelligence that he remarked that “one is almost inclined to see in them consciously acting beings!”(11) Scaling up still further, in his fascinating 1919 study, Modern Psychical Phenomena, Hereward Carrington detailed rigorous experiments on a group of especially talented horses which were capable of carrying out complex mental arithmetic—beyond even the mathematical abilities of the scientific men testing them! Their intelligence and communicative abilities with humans surpassed anything previously expected of the equine species.

Knowing that we have this incredible universe ostensibly permeated with intelligence at all scales, the holographic principle demands that these different expressions of consciousness must be integrated and woven together in a unified psychic tapestry; interconnected in ways unrestricted by space-time (nonlocally). This is what psychical research and parapsychology have overwhelmingly shown. (I cite many experiments proving this point in The Grand Illusion 1.)

Dean Radin analysed the results of variations of staring experiments, constituting 33,357 trials over sixty experiments. The objective in these experiments was for the subject to attempt to ‘guess’ correctly exactly when they were being stared at when they had no ‘normal’ way of knowing. The overall success rate was 54.5% as opposed to the 50% expected by chance, registering odds against chance of 202 octodecillion (that’s 2 × 1059) to one. Even accounting for an estimated six unreported ‘negative’ studies, odds against chance remained absurdly high at 1046 to one.(12) There is an indisputable though subtle observer effect on living systems, in other words. Some sort of subtle info-energetic transfer in the consciousness or time domain (aether) is precipitated merely by paying attention, suggesting we info-energetically ‘communicate’ with and feed whatever it is we focus on. The research of the Global Consciousness Project (GCP) has yielded irrefutable proof of the link between the quantum sea/vacuum and processes occurring within the collective human mind on earth. The GCP has set up all around the globe, some 65 (as at 2007(13)) random number generators (RNGs) whose data is fed into the internet and linked back to Princeton University. The team looks for correlations in the data between the RNGs. For instance, in data from four hours before the September 11 terrorist attacks (which, according to the FBI and the notorious Dick Cheney, cannot be evidentially linked to Osama Bin Laden, and certainly not to the bare minimum seven ‘hijackers’ who turned up alive after the fact), they found an enormous level of coherence between the RNGs, indicating a hyperdimensional ‘forewarning’ of a large impending event and collective subconscious focusing on it. The period immediately surrounding the event shows a huge spike in coherence as humanity’s collective mind was focused consciously on events as they unfolded. The same results occurred before the Asian tsunami of 2004 and during the funeral service of Princess Diana.(14) The September 11 RNGs’ deviations from chance represented the largest such deviations for the whole year of 2001.(15)

Though there are many other sources substantiating the notion, the GCP alone has effectively proven that: consciousness is a real something; that it can ‘see’ into the near future; collective consciousness focused in harmony can affect quantum events—suggesting that consciousness is itself more fundamental than any form of energy/matter in space-time, that it is ‘sub-quantum’ in a sense. As I show in TGI 1 & 2, consciousness appears to be synonymous with the spiralling torsion energy of time-space/the time domain, a nonlocal ‘implicate order’ that governs the formation of our space-time reality. It is this energy that appears to be responsible for nonlocal effects in quantum physics and virtually all mind-matter interactions documented in the annals of psi research.

If we are supplying energy to ideas, events and concepts merely by the act of observing or thinking about them, as the staring experiments and many others we don’t have space for here suggest, then does the question for us at this point in history become ‘What should we focus on then?’ Rather than potentially fuelling the obvious criminality and corruption of the world’s major manipulating political and financial institutions (World Bank, IMF, governments, etc.) with our angst and resentment, and rather than feeding undesirable future scenarios with worry about what horrors might yet be, maybe our responsibility in the moment right now is, as Ghandi said, to be the change we want to see in the world. Thus we answer our earlier question which asked what to direct our mental energies towards: whatever it is that we want to make manifest in the world! After all, the seed conditions for mass paradigm shifts have never been better…

(1) Yurth, Seeing Past the Edge, 109.
(2) Lazslo and Currivan, Cosmos, 19.
(3) Farrier, Scientific Evidence that the Entire Universe Is a Holographic Projection around the Earth, Feb. 7, 2010. www.neatorama.com
(4) Radin, Entangled Minds, 13.
(5) Yurth, 114.
(6) Lazslo and Currivan, 49.
(7) Zeilinger, Dance of the Photons, 267.
(8) Chalko, Is Chance or Choice the Essence of Nature? http://nujournal.net/choice.html.
(9) Jay Alfred, Our Invisible Bodies, 65-8, 133–4.
(10) Slime Molds Show Surprising Degree of Intelligence. Discover Magazine (2009). http://discovermagazine.com/2009/jan/071
(11) See Blavatsky, Studies in Occultism.
(12) Radin, Entangled Minds, 127–9.
(13) See Jones, PSIence.
(14) Ibid., 91–2.
(15) Radin, Entangled Minds, 195-207.
[!gad]Some 2,500 years ago the Buddhist text, the Avatamsaka Sutra, described the cosmos allegorically through the imagery of Indra’s net. In the heavenly abode of the deity Indra, there was cast an infinite net reaching in all directions, and at each node point in the net there was a jewel, each reflecting the light of all the others—infinitely. Should any jewel be touched, each of the infinite other jewels would instantly be affected, presaging Bell’s theorem that everything is interconnected in this interdependent universe. The Buddhist vision essentially describes a holographic universe—our holographic universe. In The Tao of Physics, Capra explains the relevance of Indra’s net to particle physics, stating that “particles are dynamically composed of one another in a self-consistent way, and in that sense can be said to ‘contain’ one another.” This is a principle of the hologram: that each part contains within it the information that codes for the whole. In other words, all information fundamentally exists nonlocally, infinitely reflected in all the facets of existence.

So, what is a hologram? A hologram is produced when a single laser light is split into two separate beams. The first beam is bounced off the object to be photographed. Then the second beam is allowed to collide with the reflected light of the first on photographic emulsion (film), creating and recording an interference pattern that looks something like the concentric rings that form when a handful of pebbles is tossed into a pond. But as soon as another laser beam (or in some instances just a bright light source) is shined through the film, a three-dimensional image of the original object reappears. What’s more, if the image is, for example, cut down the middle, or even divided into dozens of fragments, each section will contain not a particular section of the object, but the whole thing (albeit at a lower resolution). The information is essentially distributed nonlocally throughout the holographic film. The hologram’s ability to store and process massive amounts of data is essentially due to the properties of light, which, incidentally, the body’s own DNA and cellular systems all use to communicate throughout our physical organism. The photon itself is considered to be localized information in its purest form.(1)

In 1997, a young physicist named Juan Maldacena used M-theory and branes (D-branes to be exact) to suggest that the manifest world in its entirety could be a holographic projection of information embodied in its boundary. The latest discoveries across all scientific disciplines are revealing the physical world (and its multifarious phenomena) is imbued with and in-formed by a holographic field, thus it is innately interrelated, coherent, and harmonic at all scales of existence.(2) Recently, German scientists using equipment for detecting gravitational waves encountered a particular and unexpected noise, possibly the sound of the microscopic quantum convulsions of space-time, according to Craig Hogan, a physicist at Fermilab in Illinois. Hogan had actually predicted the existence of this sound and approached the Germans with his explanation, suspecting that it may be due to the universe being a “giant cosmic hologram.”(3)

Cosmologists have found that the entire universe can be described as a type of hologram, or as interference patterns in space and time. Physicist Raphael Bousso wrote: “The amazing thing is that the holographic principle works for all areas in all space times.”(4) Further proving this applies to all scales, researchers at IBM created a holographic projection in a carefully arranged assembly of several dozen cobalt atoms 20 nanometers in diameter. When they inserted a magnetic cobalt atom into the ellipse, a fully configured ghostly image of it also appeared at the other focus of the ellipse.(5)

 Indeed, David Bohm and Karl Pribram discovered the holographic properties of nature concurrently for themselves, working as they were in the physical domain and the realm of the human brain, respectively. The information within a system is more fundamental than the energy through which it expresses itself, and the probabilities that describe a system are never random, as they are often wrongly interpreted; instead, they always embody information, whether they describe quantum possibilities or macro phenomena in the physical world.(6) Everything is fundamentally informational. Noted physicist Anton Zeilinger states succinctly in Dance of the Photons that the concepts of reality and information cannot be separated from each other.(7)

This is illustrated brilliantly by Thomas Chalko in his excellent article Is Chance or Choice the Essence of Nature? on apparent electromagnetic (EM) randomness being broadcast over the frequencies of a digital mobile phone network which college students—unaware that the frequencies they were observing belonged to actual ‘intelligent’ conversations between living people—were instructed to investigate. The students analyzed the data using a statistical approach that allowed them to actually make predictions of many events within their frequency band. They had become quite convinced that their theory actually “described the Reality,” and statistically speaking, it did to some extent. However, Chalko points out that by adopting a statistical approach the students completely missed millions of very real intelligent phone conversations. “Our students just couldn’t imagine that what appeared to them as ‘random’ was actually the consequence of a very intelligently encoded information transfer. As a result—they didn’t even try to decode anything.”(8)

The inference is clear: true randomness is an illusion, an artefact of limited perception and knowledge. The universe deals in intelligently encoded information that is intrinsically meaningful and thereby creates an ordered and meaningful cosmos, but there are many ways to analyse and extract information and meaning from the one system (complimentarity). The phone calls taking place between people manifested within the EM band as seemingly random fluctuations, but in reality these fluctuations were the result of conscious choices being made each moment by the people holding the conversations that possessed and expressed meaning to them and their own particular methods of analysis. The phone calls taking place looked random to the students because of the way they looked at them; they were not decoding them in a way that allowed them to extract or perceive the embedded meaning within privy to the speakers. What if the quantum field’s ‘random’ quantum fluctuations are really the functions or effects of the language being spoken by the holographic cosmos as it converses nonlocally between its many and varied component parts? What if lurking behind it all is conscious choice—on a scale we can barely begin to comprehend? What if the ancients were right, and modern science has brought us full circle back to a teleological cosmology, one in which we are no longer the centrepiece of a dead and meaningless universe, but, as conscious beings, an integral part of an intelligent and fundamentally conscious holographic multiverse?

In a holographic and self-referencing (fractal) universe, if sentience and intelligence exists at one scale, it must exist on all of them. It is interesting that Bohm’s research into plasmas yielded the observation that electrons in a plasma configuration began to act as if they were part of a larger, interconnected whole, so much so that he frequently had the impression that the electron sea was ‘alive.’ Mircea Sanduloviciu and colleagues have even created plasma spheres that can grow, replicate and communicate, fulfilling most traditional requirements for biological/living cells.(9)

Scaling things up, single-celled slime moulds demonstrate the ability to memorize and anticipate repeated events, a team of Japanese researchers reported in January 2008. The study clearly shows “a primitive version of brain function” in an organism with no brain at all.(10) In the late 19th century, over 110 years ago, Cienkowsky observed the feeding activities of the amoeba Colpadella Pugnax and found them so poignantly indicative of intelligence that he remarked that “one is almost inclined to see in them consciously acting beings!”(11) Scaling up still further, in his fascinating 1919 study, Modern Psychical Phenomena, Hereward Carrington detailed rigorous experiments on a group of especially talented horses which were capable of carrying out complex mental arithmetic—beyond even the mathematical abilities of the scientific men testing them! Their intelligence and communicative abilities with humans surpassed anything previously expected of the equine species.

Knowing that we have this incredible universe ostensibly permeated with intelligence at all scales, the holographic principle demands that these different expressions of consciousness must be integrated and woven together in a unified psychic tapestry; interconnected in ways unrestricted by space-time (nonlocally). This is what psychical research and parapsychology have overwhelmingly shown. (I cite many experiments proving this point in The Grand Illusion 1.)

Dean Radin analysed the results of variations of staring experiments, constituting 33,357 trials over sixty experiments. The objective in these experiments was for the subject to attempt to ‘guess’ correctly exactly when they were being stared at when they had no ‘normal’ way of knowing. The overall success rate was 54.5% as opposed to the 50% expected by chance, registering odds against chance of 202 octodecillion (that’s 2 × 1059) to one. Even accounting for an estimated six unreported ‘negative’ studies, odds against chance remained absurdly high at 1046 to one.(12) There is an indisputable though subtle observer effect on living systems, in other words. Some sort of subtle info-energetic transfer in the consciousness or time domain (aether) is precipitated merely by paying attention, suggesting we info-energetically ‘communicate’ with and feed whatever it is we focus on. The research of the Global Consciousness Project (GCP) has yielded irrefutable proof of the link between the quantum sea/vacuum and processes occurring within the collective human mind on earth. The GCP has set up all around the globe, some 65 (as at 2007(13)) random number generators (RNGs) whose data is fed into the internet and linked back to Princeton University. The team looks for correlations in the data between the RNGs. For instance, in data from four hours before the September 11 terrorist attacks (which, according to the FBI and the notorious Dick Cheney, cannot be evidentially linked to Osama Bin Laden, and certainly not to the bare minimum seven ‘hijackers’ who turned up alive after the fact), they found an enormous level of coherence between the RNGs, indicating a hyperdimensional ‘forewarning’ of a large impending event and collective subconscious focusing on it. The period immediately surrounding the event shows a huge spike in coherence as humanity’s collective mind was focused consciously on events as they unfolded. The same results occurred before the Asian tsunami of 2004 and during the funeral service of Princess Diana.(14) The September 11 RNGs’ deviations from chance represented the largest such deviations for the whole year of 2001.(15)

Though there are many other sources substantiating the notion, the GCP alone has effectively proven that: consciousness is a real something; that it can ‘see’ into the near future; collective consciousness focused in harmony can affect quantum events—suggesting that consciousness is itself more fundamental than any form of energy/matter in space-time, that it is ‘sub-quantum’ in a sense. As I show in TGI 1 & 2, consciousness appears to be synonymous with the spiralling torsion energy of time-space/the time domain, a nonlocal ‘implicate order’ that governs the formation of our space-time reality. It is this energy that appears to be responsible for nonlocal effects in quantum physics and virtually all mind-matter interactions documented in the annals of psi research.

If we are supplying energy to ideas, events and concepts merely by the act of observing or thinking about them, as the staring experiments and many others we don’t have space for here suggest, then does the question for us at this point in history become ‘What should we focus on then?’ Rather than potentially fuelling the obvious criminality and corruption of the world’s major manipulating political and financial institutions (World Bank, IMF, governments, etc.) with our angst and resentment, and rather than feeding undesirable future scenarios with worry about what horrors might yet be, maybe our responsibility in the moment right now is, as Ghandi said, to be the change we want to see in the world. Thus we answer our earlier question which asked what to direct our mental energies towards: whatever it is that we want to make manifest in the world! After all, the seed conditions for mass paradigm shifts have never been better…

(1) Yurth, Seeing Past the Edge, 109.
(2) Lazslo and Currivan, Cosmos, 19.
(3) Farrier, Scientific Evidence that the Entire Universe Is a Holographic Projection around the Earth, Feb. 7, 2010. www.neatorama.com
(4) Radin, Entangled Minds, 13.
(5) Yurth, 114.
(6) Lazslo and Currivan, 49.
(7) Zeilinger, Dance of the Photons, 267.
(8) Chalko, Is Chance or Choice the Essence of Nature? http://nujournal.net/choice.html.
(9) Jay Alfred, Our Invisible Bodies, 65-8, 133–4.
(10) Slime Molds Show Surprising Degree of Intelligence. Discover Magazine (2009). http://discovermagazine.com/2009/jan/071
(11) See Blavatsky, Studies in Occultism.
(12) Radin, Entangled Minds, 127–9.
(13) See Jones, PSIence.
(14) Ibid., 91–2.
(15) Radin, Entangled Minds, 195-207.

Brendan D. Murphy is an independent researcher and author who has been studying metaphysics, the occult, physics, and related subjects since a profound metaphysical awakening around the age of twenty. Now twenty-eight, Brendan has spent the past four years researching and assembling his forthcoming book series The Grand Illusion on a full-time basis in preparation for release in 2012. To contact Brendan, view free book excerpts, or to just stay updated on developments, visit his new fan page - here. Comments (3)

Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by ovaz1088 13 years ago
http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/images/newsitems/universe1.jpg Brendan D. Murphy: Some 2,500 years ago the Buddhist text, the Avatamsaka Sutra, described the cosmos allegorically through the imagery of Indra’s net. In the heavenly abode of the deity Indra, there was cast an infinite net reaching in all directions, and at each node point in the net there was a jewel, each reflecting the light of all the others—infinitely. Should any jewel be touched, each of the infinite other jewels would instantly be affected, presaging Bell’s theorem that everything is interconnected in this inter... [More]
Comment icon #2 Posted by cerberusxp 13 years ago
Any one who has read the book of Urantia and suspected it to have some validity already had a notion of what our Physicists are discovering today. I said this same thing in another article thread on here some months ago. It's the same as everything that has to do with everything, it is all connected. Even the rocks will cry out for GOD. In other words the Universes and dimensions are all one, nothing is separate from the other. We are told in all religions that what God is, is incomprehensible to man. Our random universe is turning out to be, not so random after all.
Comment icon #3 Posted by randym23 13 years ago
quantum entanglement

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