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Ken Korczak

Multiple universes: The evidence is good

May 16, 2006 | Comment icon 48 comments
Image Credit: NASA/ESA/ESO
What if you had an identical twin? What if you had 10 identical twins? A million twins? what if all of these "others" were more than just twins in the sibling sense? What if these others were literally “you,” yet living independently in their own world or universe?Astonishing as it may seem, this may actually be the case. There may be millions, billions, and in fact, an infinite number of "alternate" universes stacked like so much Tupperware within our own universe. In each of these other universes lives another you leading a full and very real life, just like your own life.Some of these other universes are very close to our own, and are almost identical, except for minor differences. Others are further removed and the differences increase as the distance from our own increases.The concept is not a new one. In fact, the idea that other invisible worlds exist in proximity to our own are nearly as old as human beings. “Other worlds” is one of the oldest and most frequently used ideas in speculative literature and legend.

Examples might be “Fairyland” and the “astral plane.”While spiritualists, shamans and mystics have been happily dealing with the subject of alternate universes for centuries, modern science, notably the field of physics, has embraced the idea of alternate worlds in recent years.In the field of quantum mechanics, alternate universe theory is generally referred to as the “Many Worlds Interpretation,” and it holds up mathematically.The theory was first proposed 40 years ago in 1957 by the brilliant physicist Hugh Everett III. He came up with the Many Worlds scenario to deal with some of the more perplexing aspects of quantum mechanics.Everett suggested that whenever numerous viable possibilities exist, the world splits into many worlds or universes, one universe for each different possibility.For example, if you get up this morning and can’t decide if you want to have coffee or tea for breakfast, the Many Worlds Interpretation says that for each choice that is made, an entire universe is created to accommodate each choice.In one universe you choose coffee. In another universe you choose tea. In a third universe, you decide to have neither. In still another, you go with orange juice.

Each universe is as real and valid as the other. It’s just that each goes its separate way from the point of decision.According to the astounding Many Worlds Interpretation, every single choice that is made by every single human being at every instant of time creates an entire universe which goes on forever into infinity.Obviously, this means that millions and billions and trillions of universes are being created on an ongoing basis!In each universe created, everything is identical, except for that one different choice; from that point on, they develop independently, and no communication is possible between them, so the people living in those worlds have no idea that this is going on.According to the Many Worlds Interpretation, there are not only an infinite number of universes, but an infinite number of versions of each person—including you!Your alternate selves have all split off at some time in the past from the path you are now following. There may be versions of you that split off one or five years ago, or perhaps five minutes after you were born.
In some universes, you may have died at birth.But in a very real sense, those people are still "you." What if you could travel to one of these alternate universes and meet yourself and have a conversation with yourself? What would you say? What would it feel like? It’s intriguing to think about.Polls have been taken among theorists who study such things, and have revealed that most of them believe that the Many Worlds Interpretation represents an accurate description of reality. (Interestingly, the polls also show that many of them would rather not discuss the subject!)Political researcher L. David Raub conducted a poll of 72 of the "leading cosmologists and other quantum field theorists" about the Many Worlds Interpretation and found the following:

1) 58% think it is true.
2) 18% do not think it is true.
3) 13% think it could be true but are not convinced.
4) 11% had no opinion.

Among the the “Yes” thinkers is the famous Stephen Hawking, author of the best selling A Brief History of Time. Also in agreement are Nobel Laureates Murray Gell-Mann and the great and brilliant Richard Feynman.One of the most interesting fall-outs of the Many World's Interpretation is the possibility that it provides a platform for the the existence of free will, one of the issues that has tormented theologians and philosophers for centuries. In a universe in which you get to have all your choices and eat them too, so to speak, the totality an infinite potential of free will becomes obvious.From religion and folklore to the rigorous disciplines of science and mathematics, the case for a universe that is actually many universes is better than good, and, in fact, may prove to be reality.

Ken Korczak is the author of Minnesota Paranormala:
http://www.amazon.com/Minnesota-Paranormala-Volume-1-ebook/dp/B004Y5G114/ Comments (48)

Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #39 Posted by kraken 19 years ago
Hi jacqui...Thats an interesting experience...Sounds to me like you had a 'Time Slip' (i had something similar around same age '9') ...but i 'suppose' it depends on whether dodo's had existed (in the past) where you had the experience, or you were living on the island of Mauritius at the time of the experience but..you say the old lady whispered to it, and the dodo slowly turned towards you(cue:Hairs standing on back of neck)..almost seems to me that neither the old lady, nor the dodo were what they appeared to be?... .
Comment icon #40 Posted by White Science 19 years ago
Hi kraken, I do realise you were joking about the IP!! I realise my wording/grammar is not so good in my writting here, this is because I'm at work so have to rush my posts! The characterists I describe I beleive are within the same dimensional object, as well as being one object. I will try to describe very quickly my meaning.. Imagine a circle now imagine inside the circle there is infinite, now imagine within infinite their are infinite circles containing infinite circles. Now taking the orginal circle or any other circle imagine that every minute that circle appears in reality, at 1 second... [More]
Comment icon #41 Posted by kraken 19 years ago
Hi White Science..Yes!..I do understand what you are saying , but your still talking in terms of 'Zooming' in & out.. Imagine a circle now imagine inside the circle there is infinite, now imagine within infinite their are infinite circles containing infinite circles. Now taking the original circle zoom out to see infact that circle is merely a nano size circle within another circle, all of these unimaginably small circles would contain the image so small we could'nt see it ..whereas i meant co-existing in terms of higher(or lower) vibrational rates...i think we have got our wires crossed s... [More]
Comment icon #42 Posted by R. Dillon 16 years ago
I believe the multi Universe theory to be true or something very similar. I go on many astral travels and often on a journey I see myself in different settings far removed from what is possible is this lifetime. I occasionally am seeing my own future, I realize this when I encounter the same moment in real life that i encountered on a journey but many times the setting and situation seems so far removed from what I consider to be possible for this lifetime that i dont know how else to explain what I am seeing. As science advances and we come closer and closer to creating artificial intelligenc... [More]
Comment icon #43 Posted by Ashiene 16 years ago
Referring to the original article, I must propose a question: What is the definition of 'me'? 'Me'; Is it the physical body that defines who I am, or is it my mind? If the 'me' in an alternate universe undergoes complete cosmetic surgery of the whole body so that it does not resemble the 'me' in this universe, then is the alternate 'me' still me? So it must be that the mind determines 'me'. It must be the patterns of consciousness and neural connections in the brain and the resultant self-awareness that determines 'me'. But this cannot be! Why? Because the brain is merely the hardware, the ins... [More]
Comment icon #44 Posted by R. Dillon 16 years ago
Asheine, you are making the jump to the link between how our worlds work and computers. A jump i was reluctant to take although i believe that science will be forced to acknowledge this and so much more as we move toward enlightenment. There will be many questions and moral issues that we as a society will have to face and answer when our computers start to exhibit intelligence. Can we pull the plug?. will we have the right to?. I believe that this is much closer that what most people realize. Of course its the mind that determines who is me and the mind is simply a device driver to interface ... [More]
Comment icon #45 Posted by Revelation1217 16 years ago
I don't buy it
Comment icon #46 Posted by OilFight 16 years ago
I don't get how the quantum theory allows for free will. Our actions would still be determined by internal and external factors, it's just that those factors would be changed every so often by randomly appearing/disappearing particles.
Comment icon #47 Posted by Sylent Nyte 16 years ago
Please note that this "theory" is just that, a theory. Unless the planet somehow miraculously learns how to generate so much energy(to the tune of a few Suns) it can literally blow a hole through the effect of gravity, then there's pretty much no way to prove or disprove it for quite a while. But the bright side of it all is, if the theory proves to be true we should start taking the phrase "go **** yourself" much more seriously.
Comment icon #48 Posted by OilFight 16 years ago
Please note that this "theory" is just that, a theory. Unless the planet somehow miraculously learns how to generate so much energy(to the tune of a few Suns) it can literally blow a hole through the effect of gravity, then there's pretty much no way to prove or disprove it for quite a while. But the bright side of it all is, if the theory proves to be true we should start taking the phrase "go **** yourself" much more seriously. I'm just not sure that this article represents the theory correctly. I don't understand how human choices would affect quantum outcome, although I do see how particle... [More]

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