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World of the Bizarre

200 attend UK's first Flat Earth Convention

By T.K. Randall
April 30, 2018 · Comment icon 50 comments

No, the Earth is not flat. Seriously, it isn't. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 NikoLang
The peculiar get-together saw hundreds of staunch Flat-Earth believers gather at a hotel in Birmingham.
In the age of orbiting satellites, interplanetary spacecraft and a fully manned space station, the fact that the Earth is round (an oblate spheroid) is as indisputable as the nose on your face.

Remarkably however, there are still those who remain adamant that the Earth is actually flat.

The unorthodox convention, which was attended by around 200 Flat-Earthers including an NHS manager and a special needs educational worker, lasted around three days and featured several guest speakers who presented 'proof' that our planet is as flat as a pancake.

One of these, David Marsh, had spent 12 months conducting his own garden-based experiment to track the movement of the Moon across the sky to disprove the accepted laws of planetary motion.
"My research destroys Big Bang cosmology," he said. " It supports the idea that gravity doesn't exist and the only true force in nature is electromagnetism."

According to organizer Gary John, there has been a surge of interest in the topic in recent years.

"People are waking up," he said. "We're seeing an explosion of interest in flat Earth theories and increasing mistrust of governments."

But if the Earth is flat, how is it possible for a boat or plane to circumnavigate the globe ?

Flat-Earther Darren Nesbit has an answer to that one too, he calls it the 'Pac-Man effect'. Like in a video game, he argues, once you reach the 'edge' of the planet you simply 'warp' to the other side.

Source: Sydney Morning Herald | Comments (50)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #41 Posted by Farmer77 6 years ago
If a "flat earth convention" were held in my town I would go. What an interesting way to spend an afternoon, itd be half sci-fi convention, half amateur anthropology watching all the folks. 
Comment icon #42 Posted by xYlvax 6 years ago
I'd go to see what kind of good stuff they're smoking
Comment icon #43 Posted by ChaosRose 6 years ago
There do seem to be some people out there who are on a very high level of stupid, though. There are certainly more than 200 of them. 
Comment icon #44 Posted by ChaosRose 6 years ago
It's as if they're saying...I'll see your scientific facts and raise you a stunning display of massive stupidity. I'm just wondering what they think they actually gain from it. 
Comment icon #45 Posted by ChaosRose 6 years ago
It's like they hate intelligence so much that they have to ignore everything that smart people have ever discovered. Even the most basic truths.  But why hate intelligence?  That's stupid.
Comment icon #46 Posted by Timonthy 6 years ago
Naaaah he’s definitely stupid mate. Believing in a flat earth is enough to tip anyone over 50% on the generally accepted ‘am I stupid?’ scale.  I can understand people still believing in religions, because religions will take a little while still to get weeded out. But flat earth? Stupid. 
Comment icon #47 Posted by Black Monk 6 years ago
What harm's it doing? People are entitled to their beliefs. It's no more whacky than a Lib Dem Conference or a meeting of Global Warmers.
Comment icon #48 Posted by brlesq1 6 years ago
And don't tell me...the flat Earth rests on the back of a giant, otherworldly turtle...
Comment icon #49 Posted by mesuma 6 years ago
Comment icon #50 Posted by DingoLingo 6 years ago
hey I resemble that remark *looks up from playing pokemon go* 

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