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The UFO Phenomenon

Pilot who chased UFO: 'there are missing tapes'

By T.K. Randall
November 7, 2019 · Comment icon 8 comments

What did the pilots encounter that day and what do the missing tapes show ? Image Credit: US Navy
US Navy Cmdr David Fravor was one of the USS Nimitz pilots who encountered the 'Tic-Tac' UFO back in 2004.
One of the most intriguing new UFO cases to have come to light in recent years, the USS Nimitz incident, which occurred during a training exercise approximately 100 miles from San Diego, saw US fighter pilots from the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group encounter an unidentified flying object.

Footage of the UFO was later published in 2017 and subsequently confirmed to be genuine.

Speaking in a recent interview, one of the pilots who was there that day - David Fravor - has revealed that there was in fact additional video footage recorded at the time of the incident as well as radar tracking information that mysteriously "disappeared" after the event.

According to Fravor, immediately after the incident he had gone down to the CVIC (Carrier Intelligence Center) to demand that he be given access to the tapes.
After obtaining them, he made copies and stored them in a safe on the USS Princeton. When he returned for them later however they were all gone.

Other crew members who were there at the time of the incident have also previously recalled there being a "cleanup" involving plain-clothes men confiscating data recorders, tapes and documents.

It seemed that someone had been keen to prevent details of the encounter from getting out.

Ultimately Fravor's story begs the question - exactly what was on those tapes ? Unfortunately, unless the powers that be decide to release them to the public, we may never know for sure.

You can listen to the interview with Fravor on the Fighter Pilot Podcast - here.

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by Captain Risky 5 years ago
So if anything the USS Nimitz incident was understated. Not surprised ! 
Comment icon #2 Posted by Timothy 5 years ago
Of course there’s most likely additional footage not available to the public.  The original snippets of footage were not intended to be released publicly.  And of course Fravor and Day would not be given access to additional footage/radar records, given how they have publicly mishandled the information.
Comment icon #3 Posted by stereologist 5 years ago
According to Fravor there was no information grab as claimed by some crew.  He states that in other interviews. The issue here is the missing "tapes". These are digital images and I suspect that there were no tapes. Everything would be digital. It would be just as people on home computers make copies. I'll bet that they used DVDs or Bluerays as the "tapes". Anyone working for the military knows that it is policy to destroy any CDs, DVDs, or Bluerays that are not properly marked. It's very possible that his "tapes" were not properly marked and were destroyed according to SOP, standard operatin... [More]
Comment icon #4 Posted by Robotic Jew 5 years ago
I don't trust this guy and I don't find him credible. I watched him on Rogan and he just gives me some weird kind of vibe. His PIC doesn't help him with me either. Whenever Jeremy Corbell supports somebody I tend to write them off. 
Comment icon #5 Posted by AllPossible 5 years ago
1 thing I've learned over the years.... If people show up with plain clothes & have authority it means it's important
Comment icon #6 Posted by stereologist 5 years ago
We shouldn't get swayed by the person, how they talk or dress, but rather by the things they bring to the table. For example, there is the talk of copies of "tapes". There is a reason that the military uses WORM drives. That is Write Once Read Many drives. The CD and its cousins are of that nature. Things like external hard drives and thumb drives allow users to alter the data on the medium. A CD and its cousins can be closed. That means no more information can be added. In this manner the military or other group working with classified material can assure that the information on the media doe... [More]
Comment icon #7 Posted by Timothy 5 years ago
Rohan is too excitable. 
Comment icon #8 Posted by Gwynbleidd 5 years ago
The Men in Black is the first thing I thought of when I read that.    

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